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Prunner is an embeddable task / pipeline runner with an HTTP API.

  • It is easy to embed in your own projects: just a single binary, no database or other services needed.
  • Good for orchestrating long-running jobs with multiple steps; so if you think "I need a CI pipeline" but within your project, this is for you.
  • The pipeline definition is done in a pipelines.yml file and is static.
  • To start a new job, you use an authenticated HTTP API (see our API docs).
  • Every task inside the pipeline is a script run on the command line.
  • Tasks can have dependencies; so together, they form a graph (DAG).
  • It supports runtime variables for pipelines.
  • It supports configurable parallelism, also with a "wait-list" if the parallelism is exceeded.
  • It has a persistent storage of jobs and their outputs.

This is NOT a fully featured CI pipeline solution.


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prunner (this repository)

A single process, written in go, that provides the REST API, pipeline runner and persistence. It needs to be started in the background for integration into other applications.

A minimalistic React UI to start and view pipelines, job and task details.

A Neos/Flow PHP package providing a backend module embedding prunner-ui and a PHP API for interacting with the prunner Rest API.

User guide

Main concepts

Prunner controls a set of pipelines, which are defined in YAML files (typically pipelines.yml). The pipelines consist of tasks, which are executed as part of the pipeline. Each task has a script which are the commands executed when the task is run. A pipeline can be scheduled as a job via the REST API. Depending on the definition it is started immediately or put on a wait list.

A simple pipeline

Tasks are run in-parallel by default. In the example below, if the pipeline do_something is started, the two tasks do_foo and do_bar run in parallel to each other:

          - pwd
          - ls

Task dependencies

In case you need to ensure certain steps are executed in-order, you can use task dependencies to order tasks using the depends_on key:

          - pwd
          - ls
        # here, we ensure that do_bar runs AFTER do_foo.
          - do_foo

It is not possible to pass information from one task to the next one within prunner. This is an intended limitation to keep complexity low; so we do not plan to support "artifacts" or anything like this.

In case you need to store information from one task to the next, it is recommended that you do this outside prunner, and pass in a job argument with an identifier to every task (explained in the next section).

Job variables

When starting a job, (i.e. do_something in the example below), you can send additional variables as JSON. The script is passed through the Go text/template templating language, where you can access the variables. This way, you can pass the variable contents to your scripts.

          - pwd {{ .myVariable }}
          - echo {{ .myVariable }}

Note that these variables are not environment variables (env vars) and are evaluated via the template engine before the shell invokes the script commands.

Environment variables

Environment variables are handled in the following places:

  1. Process level Prunner will forward the environment variables of the prunner process (including dotenv overrides) to commands executed by tasks
  2. Pipeline level Environment variables can be set/overridden in a pipeline definition (overrides process level)
  3. Task level Environment variables can be set/overridden in a task definition (overrides pipeline level)
      MY_VAR: set some value for all tasks here
          # output: set some value for all tasks here\n
          - echo $MY_VAR
          MY_VAR: override it for this task
          # output: override it for this task\n
          - echo $MY_VAR

Dotenv files

Prunner will override the process environment from files .env and .env.local by default. The files are configurable via the env-files flag.

Limiting concurrency

Certain pipelines, like deployment pipelines, usually should only run only once, and never be started concurrently. Prunner supports this via a configurable concurrency:

    concurrency: 1
    tasks: # as usual

Concurrency specifies how often the pipeline can run concurrently; NOT whether individual tasks in the pipeline run concurrently.

Now, when the concurrency limit is reached and you schedule the pipeline again while it is running, the job is queued to be worked on later - it is added to the wait list by default.

The wait list

By default, if you limit concurrency, and the limit is exceeded, further jobs are added to the waitlist of the pipeline.

However, you have some options to configure this as well:

The waitlist can have a maximum size, denoted by queue_limit:

    queue_limit: 1
    concurrency: 1
    tasks: # as usual

To deactivate the queuing altogether, set queue_limit: 0.

Now, if the queue is limited, an error occurs when it is full and you try to add a new job.

Alternatively, you can also set queue_strategy: replace to replace the last job in the queue by the newly added one:

    queue_limit: 1
    queue_strategy: replace
    concurrency: 1
    tasks: # as usual

So the example above means:

  • at most one pipeline of do_something runs at any given time (concurrency: 1)
  • in case a pipeline is running and a new job is added, this is added to the queue.
  • when another job is added, it replaces the previously added job on the waitlist.

This is especially helpful for stuff like incremental content rendering, when you need to ensure that the system converges to the last known state.

Debounce jobs with a start delay

Sometimes it is desirable to delay the actual start of a job and wait until some time has passed and no other start of the same pipeline was triggered. This is especially useful with queue_strategy: replace where this can act as a debounce of events (e.g. a user in an application performs some actions and a pipeline run is triggered for each action).

The delay can be configured on the pipeline level with the start_delay property. The value is given as duration in form of a zero or positive decimal value with a time unit ("ms", "s", "m", "h" are supported):

    queue_limit: 1
    queue_strategy: replace
    concurrency: 1
    # Queues a run of the job and only starts it after 10 seconds have passed (if no other run was triggered which replaced the queued job)
    start_delay: 10s
    tasks: # as usual

Disabling fail-fast behavior

By default, if a task in a pipeline fails, all other concurrently running tasks are directly aborted. Sometimes this is not desirable, e.g. if certain deployment tasks should continue running if already started.

For now, this is not configurable on a per-task basis, but only on a per-pipeline basis, by setting continue_running_tasks_after_failure to true:

    continue_running_tasks_after_failure: true
    tasks: # as usual

Configuring retention period

By default, we never delete any runs. For many projects, it is useful to configure this to keep the consumed disk space under control. This can be done on a per-pipeline level; using one of the two configuration settings retention_period (decimal with time unit as in start_delay) and retention_count.

As an example, let's configure we only are interested on the last 10 pipeline runs:

    retention_count: 10
    tasks: # as usual

Alternatively, we can delete the data after two days:

    retention_period: 48h
    tasks: # as usual

You can also combine the two options. Then, deletion occurs with whatever comes first.

If a pipeline does not exist at all anymore (i.e. if you renamed do_something to another_name above), its persisted logs and task data is removed automatically on saving to disk.

Handling of child processes

Prunner starts child processes with setpgid to use a new process group for each task of a pipeline job. This means that if a job is cancelled, all child processes are killed - even if they were run by a shell script.

Note: If prunner is killed hard (e.g. SIGKILL) without SIGINT / SIGTERM, the child processes of running jobs will not be terminated.

Windows support: Process groups are not used, since there is not setpgid on Windows.

Graceful shutdown

Prunner will handle a SIGINT signal and perform a graceful shutdown and wait for all running jobs to be completed. Sending a SIGTERM signal to prunner will cancel all running jobs (and interrupt / kill child processes).

Reloading definitions and watching for changes

Prunner will reload pipeline definitions from disk when a SIGUSR1 signal is received (and if the definitions changed).

Windows support: There is no SIGUSR1 signal on Windows. You have to use watch mode to reload definitions.

A watch mode that polls the files for changes can be enabled with the --watch flag. The poll interval is configurable via --poll-interval.

Note: Only newly scheduled jobs use the updated definitions. Running jobs and jobs that are queued for execution continue to use the old definition.

Persistent job state

The state of pipeline jobs is persisted to disk in the .prunner directory regularly. The directory can be configured via the --data flag. Logs for script output (STDERR and STDOUT) of tasks are stored in the [data]/logs directory.

Running prunner

Since prunner is only a single binary, it can be easily deployed and run in a variety of environments. It is designed to run in the foreground and output logs to STDERR and generally follows the rules of a twelve-factor app.

CLI Reference

   prunner - Pipeline runner

   prunner [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   debug    Get authorization information for debugging
   version  Print the current version
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --verbose, -v          Enable verbose log output (default: false) [$PRUNNER_VERBOSE]
   --disable-ansi         Force disable ANSI log output and output log in logfmt format (default: false) [$PRUNNER_DISABLE_ANSI]
   --config value         Dynamic config filename (will be created on first run if jwt-secret is not set) (default: ".prunner.yml") [$PRUNNER_CONFIG]
   --jwt-secret value     Pre-generated shared secret for JWT authentication (at least 16 characters) [$PRUNNER_JWT_SECRET]
   --data value           Base directory to use for storing data (metadata and job outputs) (default: ".prunner") [$PRUNNER_DATA]
   --pattern value        Search pattern (glob) for pipeline configuration scan (default: "**/pipelines.{yml,yaml}") [$PRUNNER_PATTERN]
   --path value           Base directory to use for pipeline configuration scan (default: ".") [$PRUNNER_PATH]
   --address value        Listen address for HTTP API (default: "localhost:9009") [$PRUNNER_ADDRESS]
   --env-files value      Filenames with environment variables to load (dotenv style), will override existing env vars, set empty to skip loading (default: ".env", ".env.local")  (accepts multiple inputs) [$PRUNNER_ENV_FILES]
   --watch                Watch for pipeline configuration changes and reload them (default: false) [$PRUNNER_WATCH]
   --poll-interval value  Poll interval for pipeline configuration changes (if watch is enabled) (default: 30s) [$PRUNNER_POLL_INTERVAL]
   --help, -h             show help (default: false)

Note: Options can be passed as command line flags or as environment variables.


Prunner can be started inside a container. There are a few things to consider:

  • All tasks are executed in the container where prunner is running. Make sure to use a base image with the necessary dependencies.
  • For graceful shutdown: Use STOPSIGNAL SIGINT in a custom docker image that runs prunner or start the docker container via --stop-signal SIGINT
  • The data directory (defaults to .prunner) should be placed in a volume to persist restarts
  • The dynamic config (defaults to .prunner.yml) should be placed in a volume or mounted from an existing file to allow clients to generate correct JWT tokens based on the secret.
  • Alternatively a pre-generated secret can be passed via the PRUNNER_JWT_SECRET env var and shared with applications accessing the API.
  • The --address flag should be set to listen on all interfaces (.e.g. :9009) or a specific network address. This allows to access the API from outside the container.



  • Go (>= 1.18)

Running locally

go run ./cmd/prunner --path examples

Note: for development a live reload wrapper like is recommended.

The API should now be accessible at http://localhost:9009/. The log will contain an example JWT auth token that can be used for authentication in local development.

For interacting with the API, you need a JWT token which you can generate for developing using:

go run ./cmd/prunner debug

IDE Setup (IntelliJ/GoLand)

  • Please install Go Plugin in IntelliJ.

  • In the Settings of IntelliJ: Activate Languages & Frameworks -> Go -> Go Modules - Enable Go Modules Integration

  • Open a Go File. At the top of the screen the following message appears: GOROOT is not defined -> Setup GOROOT -> /usr/local/opt/go/libexec

  • If autocompletion / syntax check shows lots of things red, try the following two steps:

    • restart the IDE
    • if this does not help, File -> Invalidate Caches
  • Run / Debug in IDE:

    • Run -> Edit Configurations
    • Add new Run Configuration -> Go Build
    • Files: .../cmd/prunner/main.go
    • Working Directory: .../
  • Tests:

    • Run -> Edit Configurations
    • Add new Run Configuration -> Go Test
    • Test Kind: Package (otherwise you cannot set breakpoints)

Building for different operating systems.

Using the standard GOOS environment variable, you can build for different operating systems. This is helpful when you want to use prunner inside a Docker container, but are developing on macOS. For this, a compile step like the following is useful:

# after building, copy the executable inside the docker container; so it can be directly used.
GOOS=linux go build ./cmd/prunner -o bin/prunner && docker cp bin/prunner my_container:/app/prunner

Running Tests

To run all tests, use:

go test ./...

# to show test output, run with verbose flag:
go test ./... -v

# to run a single test, use -run:
go test ./... -v -run TestServer_HugeOutput

As linter, we use golangci-lint. See this page for platform-specific installation instructions. Then, to run the linter, use:

golangci-lint run

Memory Leak Debugging

to find memory leaks, you can run prunner in the following way:

# start prunner in profiling mode with the config from test/memory_leak_debugging/pipelines.yml
./ memory-leak-start

# run a pipeline which creates many MB of log output (possibly multiple times)
./ start-pipeline memleak1

# analyze heap dump
./ analyze-heapdump

Generate OpenAPI (Swagger) spec

An OpenAPI 2.0 spec is generated from the Go types and annotations in source code using the go-swagger tool (it is not bundled in this module). See for installation instructions.

go generate ./server


Releases are done using goreleaser and GitHub Actions. Simply tag a new version using the vX.Y.Z naming convention, and then all platforms are built automatically.

Security concept

  • The HTTP server only listens on localhost by default
  • Prunner always enables authentication via JWT (HS256), a random shared secret is generated in the dynamic config file (.prunner.yml by default) if it does not exist
  • An application that wants to embed prunner should read the shared secret (jwt_secret) and generate a JWT auth token for accessing the API
  • The JWT secret can alternatively be passed via env var (PRUNNER_JWT_SECRET) (passing via flag is not recommended)
  • The HTTP API of prunner should not be exposed directly to the outside, but requests should be forwarded by the application embedding prunner. This way custom policies can be implemented in the consumer app for ensuring/limiting access to prunner.


GPL, because we are building on taskctl - see LICENSE.