Hi there!
This repository is hosting the code and documentation of the A Cloud Guru Challenge: Your resume in Azure.
The idea is to build a resume and host it using Azure services.
For a detailed view of the journey, you should take a look at my blog article
- Create a GitHub repository
- Create the website (HTML, CSS...)
- Add a visitor counter on the website
- Create CosmoDB database
- Create Azure function to get number of views
- Deploy the website to Azure Static Web App
- Enable HTTPS and custom domain support
- Set up GitHub actions
- Add tests to the counter function
Additional steps:
- Migrate out of Azure static web apps
- Azure Blob storage
- Custom domain
- Function
- CI/CD Github Actions
- Static website
- Counter Function (Python)
Last step:
I already worked on the Cloud Resume challenge before. The goal was to host my resume on AWS.
I have a decent knowledge of AWS and passed the AZ-900 but I'm not working on a daily basis with Azure. This challenge is a way to get some experience with it.
- Use Azure Static Apps
- Configure Custom domain
- Add to your DNS entries a CNAME pointing to the Static App url
- Verify it (Custom domains > Add+)
Create an Azure account
Install VSCode extension and Core tools (v3) (run
in terminal to check the installation) -
Configure a new HTTPTrigger (with Python for me)
Create CosmosDB account from portal (serverless mode)
Create a Cosmos container
Create a document with a counter property
Add CORS for the static website to be able to call the Azure function
don't forget to check the Enable Access-Control-Allow-Credentials option
to set up the python env:
python3 -m venv .env
&source .venv/bin/activate
- create a storage account and run the following:
az storage blob service-properties update --account-name myresume --static-website --404-document error.html --index-document index.html
az storage blob upload-batch -s ./front -d '$web' --account-name myresume
Use cdnverify to avoid downtime when migrating
Custom domain https with CDN managed certificates
- Generate deployment credentials and copy the json for later use
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name {myStaticSite} --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group} --sdk-auth
Add a secret to Github repository with the json
Create a new workflow under .github/workflows/
(link to be added to the workflow file...)
Note that if you are using Azure Static Web Apps, the workflow file is already generated.
Use az login to set up credentials
Create a template.json and set up the blank template
Create resource group for the template
az group create \
--name resumeGroup \
--location "East US 2"
templateFile="{path to your template file}"
az deployment group create \
--name blanktemplate \
--resource-group resumeGroup \
--template-file $templateFile
- Add storage resource