Simplifying message management for a better server experience!
Read the full list on our documentation message.yml
- LuckPerms - permissions and group weights
- PlaceholderAPI - placeholders
- PlasmoVoice - mutes and ignore sync
- SimpleVoice - mutes and ignore sync
- SkinsRestorer - custom skins
- SuperVanish - hide all interactions
- Vault - permissions
Read the full list on our documentation command.yml
A list of projects that inspire and that's why we integrated them or part of their code
- Google Guice - a lightweight dependency injection framework
- Elytrium Java Serializer - (de-)serialize data in various formats
- PacketEvents - a powerful tool for mastering Minecraft packet manipulation
- Adventure - a user-interface library, formerly known as text
- CommandAPI - a Bukkit/Spigot API for the command UI
- Scoreboard - powerful packet-level scoreboard library
- Universal Scheduler - universal scheduling lib
- Symbol Chat - add many symbols supported by minecraft into the chat
- PacketUxUi - modern packet API for Minecraft menus
- LightChatBubbles - minecraft chat bubbles plugin
- FlectoneChat - old team project