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Time API

Tom Tzook edited this page Jul 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

FlashLib introduces a new Time API, providing a more clean approach for handling time, without having to using primitive data types, or worrying about measurement units. Located under com.flash3388.flashlib.util.time.


The API exports two important elements: Time and Clock.


The Time class represents a time value, including size and measurement units. This is an immutable class, representing a fixed time.

There are several operations which can be done with this class:

  • Math operations: add, sub. Each producing a new Time instance.
  • Comparison: it is possible to compare between times with:
    • largerThan/after
    • lessThan/before
    • largerThanOrEquals
    • lessThanOrEquals
    • equals

For example, comparing time passed:

final Time interval = ...
Time start = ...
Time current = ...

boolean intervalPassed = current.sub(start).largerThanOrEquals(interval); 

When working with Time, it is generally not necessary to access the measurement units, until it is required to pass it forward to another API. In such a case, it is best to use the toUnit to ensure that the Time is represented as the wanted unit, and only then to use value to retrieve the value. For example:

Time time = ....
long minutes = time.toUnit(TimeUnit.MINUTES).value();

Invalid Time

Instead of using null to represent an invalid time that was not set, similar to how time is set to a negative value when using primitives, The Time API supports invalid time.

To define time as invalid, use Time time = Time.INVALID. To query whether time is valid or not, use time.isValid().

It is recommended to not use invalid to during operations, as it may lead to unexpected results.


The Clock interface represents a clock, which is capable of providing the current time, as Time, using the currentTime method.


There are several base implementations:

  • JavaMillisClock: uses the System.currentTimeMillis.
  • JavaNanosClock: uses the System.nanoTime call.