This is a bike button subproject of Münsterhack 2022 project "fixMS", which aims to provide nicer UI for the flaw report form (Mängelmeldung-Formular) provided by the city of Münster. This subproject aims for the power user. It allows to quickly remember a position during a bike ride, which can be reported afterwards in calm surrounding.
This are the parts and tools we used for rapid prototyping. But it is also possible to substitute it with other hardware.
- Assembled Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board - with Stacking Headers
- Some wires
- 3D printer (to print the case)
- soldering station
- Use the following Board: "ESP32 Dev Module"
- Create a
file with the following content and real credentials:
const char* ssid = "...";
const char* password = "...";
The button is soldered to GND and pin 23. If you want to use an other pin you have to adapt the code accordingly.