Currency Wallet is a responsive app, where user can simply add purchased currencies to his wallet and quickly see his percentage profit/loose from this purchase. This is an application, which goal was to implement redux-toolkit to manage its state. In the case of form validation, where the user has the option of entering the purchased currency, I used Formik and Yup library for the first time. After buying several currencies, thanks to chart.js, the user has opportunity to see six of his currencies that he holds the most. Total balance shows user the value from his owned currencies converted to his originally currency. Information about currencies are stored in localStorage so that the user has access to this information after returning to the application.
The project uses node and npm. To run the app on your machine you should install all dependencies.
git clone
npm install
npm run start
- React
- Hooks
- Redux-toolkit
- Styled-Components
- Formik
- Yup
- Chart.js
- Webpack
Thanks to my Mentor for providing me with this task and for code review.