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Introduce Wrapper (instead of specializing kernel evaluation on DiffP…
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* enableDiffWrap instead of general

* jldoctest

* trim jldoctest

* warning docs, shorten name

* identify broken tests

* push broken state (upstream issue)

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FelixBenning authored Jun 5, 2023
1 parent 4fb8d88 commit 917c4da
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Showing 5 changed files with 68 additions and 34 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/DifferentiableKernelFunctions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using Reexport

@reexport using KernelFunctions

export partial
export partial, EnableDiff

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62 changes: 41 additions & 21 deletions src/diffKernel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,31 +3,51 @@ import LinearAlgebra as LA
using KernelFunctions: SimpleKernel, Kernel

_evaluate(k::T, x::DiffPt{Dim}, y::DiffPt{Dim}) where {Dim, T<:Kernel}
diffKernelCall(k::T, (x,px)::DiffPt, (y,py)::DiffPt) where {Dim, T<:Kernel}
implements `(k::T)(x::DiffPt{Dim}, y::DiffPt{Dim})` for all kernel types. But since
generics are not allowed in the syntax above by the dispatch system, this
redirection over `_evaluate` is necessary
unboxes the partial instructions from DiffPt and applies them to k,
evaluates them at the positions of DiffPt
specialization for DiffPt. Unboxes the partial instructions from DiffPt and
applies them to k, evaluates them at the positions of DiffPt
function _evaluate(k::T, (x,px)::DiffPt, (y,py)::DiffPt) where {T<:Kernel}
function diffKernelCall(k::T, (x,px)::DiffPt, (y,py)::DiffPt) where {T<:Kernel}
return apply_partial(k, px.indices, py.indices)(x, y)

This is a hack to work around the fact that the `where {T<:Kernel}` clause is
not allowed for the `(::T)(x,y)` syntax. If we were to only implement
then julia would not know whether to use
`(::SpecialKernel)(x,y)` or `(::Kernel)(x::DiffPt, y::DiffPt)`
A thin wrapper around Kernels enabling the machinery which allows you to
input (x, ∂ᵢ), (y, ∂ⱼ) where ∂ᵢ, ∂ⱼ are of `Partial` type (see [partial](@ref)) in order
to calculate
k((x, ∂ᵢ), (y,∂ⱼ)) = \\text{Cov}(\\partial_i Z(x), \\partial_j Z(y))
for ``Z`` with ``k(x,y) = \\text{Cov}(Z(x), Z(y))``.
!!! warning Only apply this wrapper at the very end. Kerneltransformations
should be applied beforehand.
!!! info While this machinery could in principle be enabled for all `Kernel` by default,
the covariance of derivatives of an isotropic kernel are no longer isotropic.
This forces the use of less specialized methods. So for now you have to opt-in
with this Wrapper.
julia> k = EnableDiff(SEKernel());
julia> k((0, partial(1)), 0) # calculate Cov(∂₁Z(0), Z(0))
julia> k(0,0) # normal input still works
for T in [SimpleKernel, Kernel] #subtypes(Kernel)
(k::T)(x::DiffPt, y::DiffPt) = _evaluate(k, x, y)
(k::T)(x::DiffPt, y) = _evaluate(k, x,(y, partial()))
(k::T)(x, y::DiffPt) = _evaluate(k, (x, partial()), y)
struct EnableDiff{T<:Kernel} <: Kernel
(k::EnableDiff)(x::DiffPt, y::DiffPt) = diffKernelCall(k.kernel, x, y)
(k::EnableDiff)(x::DiffPt, y) = diffKernelCall(k.kernel, x,(y, partial()))
(k::EnableDiff)(x, y::DiffPt) = diffKernelCall(k.kernel, (x, partial()), y)
(k::EnableDiff)(x, y) = k.kernel(x,y) # Fall through case

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/partial.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,6 +105,6 @@ i.e. 2*dim dimensional input
function apply_partial(
k, partials_x::Tuple{Vararg{T}}, partials_y::Tuple{Vararg{T}}
) where {T<:IndexType}
local f(x, y) = apply_partial(t -> k(t, y), partials_x...)(x)
f(x, y) = apply_partial(t -> k(t, y), partials_x...)(x)
return (x, y) -> apply_partial(t -> f(x, t), partials_y...)(y)
32 changes: 23 additions & 9 deletions test/diffKernel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,39 @@
@testset "diffKernel" begin
@testset "smoke test" begin
k = MaternKernel()
k(1, 1)
k = EnableDiff(MaternKernel())
k2 = MaternKernel()
@test k(1, 1) == k2(1, 1)
k(1, (1, partial(1, 1))) # Cov(Z(x), ∂₁∂₁Z(y)) where x=1, y=1
k(([1], partial(1)), [2]) # Cov(∂₁Z(x), Z(y)) where x=[1], y=[2]
k(([1, 2], partial(1)), ([1, 2], partial(2)))# Cov(∂₁Z(x), ∂₂Z(y)) where x=[1,2], y=[1,2]

@testset "Sanity Checks with $k" for k in [SEKernel()]
@testset "Sanity Checks with $k1" for k1 in [
SEKernel() + RationalQuadraticKernel()
k = EnableDiff(k1)
for x in [0, 1, -1, 42]
# for stationary kernels Cov(∂Z(x) , Z(x)) = 0
@test k((x, partial(1)), x) 0
# correlation with self should be positive
## This fails for Matern and RationalQuadraticKernel
# because its implementation branches on x == y resulting in a zero derivative
# (cf.
@test k((x, partial(1)), (x, partial(1))) > 0

# the slope should be positively correlated with a point further down
@test k(
(x, partial(1)), # slope
x + 1e-1, # point further down
x + 1e-2, # point further down
) > 0

# correlation with self should be positive
@test k((x, partial(1)), (x, partial(1))) > 0
@testset "Stationary Tests" begin
@test k((x, partial(1)), x) == 0 # expect Cov(∂Z(x) , Z(x)) == 0

@testset "Isotropic Tests" begin
@test k(([1, 2], partial(1)), ([1, 2], partial(2))) == 0 # cross covariance should be zero
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using KernelFunctions: KernelFunctions as KF, MaternKernel, SEKernel
using DifferentiableKernelFunctions: DifferentiableKernelFunctions as DKF, DiffPt, partial
using KernelFunctions: KernelFunctions as KF, MaternKernel, SEKernel, RationalQuadraticKernel
using DifferentiableKernelFunctions: DifferentiableKernelFunctions as DKF, EnableDiff, partial
using ProductArrays: productArray
using Test

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