A Python3 script to pull album art and lyrics into a computer generated micrograph. Uses the lyricsgenius API for searching albums.
- Thank you!
- rneiss
- johnwmillr
- FreeMono.ttf (Ubuntu Free Fonts) https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/all/fonts-freefont-ttf/filelist
- Go to Genius
- Create an account
- Visit the API Documentation Page for further API documentation
- Create an API key using the API Clients page
- Replace the "KEY" on line 32 and you're set!
[~]> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
[~]> python3 album_micrography.py -h
usage: album_micrography.py [-h] -a -al [-f] [-fs]
Create monographs from albums!
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --artist Artist
-al, --album. Album Title
-f, --font_style Font Style
-fs, --font_size Font Size; Range: (5-50))
-bg, --background Set Image Background Color to Black (for contrast)
[~]> python3 album_micrography.py -a Daughters -al "You Won't Get What You Want"
Searching for "You Won't Get What You Want" by Daughters...
[+] Downloading album cover!
[+] Image saved to: ./YouWontGetWhatYouWant/album_art.jpg
[+] All lyrics written to: ./YouWontGetWhatYouWant/lyrics.jpg
[+] Saving Micrograph to: YouWontGetWhatYouWant/micrograph.png
[~]> python3 album_micrography.py -a lizzo -al "big grrrl small world" -f ./FreeMono.ttf
Searching for "big grrrl small world" by lizzo...
[+] Downloading album cover!
[+] Image saved to: ./biggrrrlsmallworld/album_art.jpg
[+] All lyrics written to: ./biggrrrlsmallworld/lyrics.jpg
[+] Saving Micrograph to: biggrrrlsmallworld/micrograph.png
[~]> python3 album_micrography.py -a 'ed Sheeran' -al divide -f ./FreeMono.ttf -fs 11
Searching for "divide" by ed Sheeran...
[+] Downloading album cover!
[+] Image saved to: ./divide/album_art.jpg
[+] All lyrics written to: ./divide/lyrics.jpg
[+] Saving Micrograph to: divide/micrograph.png
[~]> python3 album_micrography.py -a 'rage against the machine' -al 'evil empire' -bg
Searching for "evil empire" by rage against the machine
[+] Downloading album cover!
[+] Image saved to: ./evilempire/album_art.jpg
[+] All lyrics written to: ./evilempire/lyrics.jpg
[+] Saving Micrograph to: evilempire/micrograph.png
- Fix the words at the start of the image (the image starts in the middle of a sentence...)
- Create subparsers to allow for books and other mediums as well