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Online_Shopping_Sentiment_Analaysis_Flipkart wiki!

Farha Kousar edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Online Shopping Sentiment Analysis on Flipkart


Welcome to the wiki for the Online Shopping Sentiment Analysis project on Flipkart! This project aims to analyze customer sentiments expressed in reviews on the Flipkart platform, providing valuable insights into user experiences.

Table of Contents Introduction Key Features Project Structure Usage Contributions License

  1. Introduction This section provides an overview of the project, its goals, and the problem it aims to solve. Include details on the importance of sentiment analysis in the context of online shopping and why you chose Flipkart for the analysis.

  2. Key Features Highlight the key features and functionalities of the project:

Sentiment Analysis Data Preprocessing Clustering and Classification Visualization using Matplotlib, Seaborn, and WordCloud 3. Project Structure Describe the organization of the project repository:

src/: Source code for sentiment analysis. data/: Datasets for training and testing. notebooks/: Jupyter notebooks for step-by-step analysis. docs/: Documentation with project overview, setup instructions, and usage guidelines. 4. Usage Provide instructions on how to clone the repository, install dependencies, and run the project. Include details on exploring the Jupyter notebooks for a detailed analysis.

  1. Contributions Encourage contributions from the community. Provide guidelines on opening issues, submitting pull requests, and contributing to the project's development.

  2. License Specify the project's license (e.g., MIT License) and include a link to the full license document.