The following contains the Scanner and Parser written by Ocaml.
Scanner: converts token streams to S-expressions
(* EXAMPLE: The token stream for a simple "(+ 3 2)" sexpr *)
let example_stream = LPAREN ^ SYMBOL("+") ^ NUMBER(3) ^ NUMBER(2) ^ RPAREN ^ eof ()
parse example_stream
= Ok(SList(Atom(Symbol("+"))::Atom(Number(3))::Atom(Number(2))::[])::[])
Parser: Parser : evaluate the S-expression
Now we want to evaluate our sexprs to give us a small arithmetic language.
The language will include: arithmetic, booleans, if-then-else.
Specifically, here is how our expressions will compare in specific instances to OCaml:
sexprs Ocaml
------------------------- ---------------------------
Can take any number of arguments:
(and true false true) ~ true && false && true
(or false false) ~ false || false
(+ 1 2 3) ~ 1 + 2 + 3
(- 3 4 1 3) ~ ((3 - 4) - 1) - 3
( * 2 2 2) ~ 2 * 2 * 2
(/ 5 2 1) ~ (5 / 2) / 1
Can take one argument:
(not false) ~ not false
Can take two arguments:
(< 3 2) ~ 3 < 2
(= 2 2) ~ 2 = 2
Control structures:
(if (< 1 3) 0 1) ~ if 1 < 3 then 0 else 1
also, I write some basic local tests here in