This repository is unmaintained. It was a proof of concept and it kicked ass. ;) But nowadays there's an API available for this. Please don't use it.
This class can be used to retrieve data from a Google+ profile with PHP. It is rather a proof of concept than something for productive use.
The technique used is called “web scraping”. That means: If Google+ changes anything on their HTML/JSON, the script is going to fail.
I recommend not to use this script in any productive environment, just because it is not really tested. I've written this within two or three hours, that's it.
Yes, it is possible to extend the stuff available to fetch, but I'm bored now and won't go on.
Furthermore, be sure to read Google Terms of Service, especially section 5.3.
- Posting stuff to automatically on Twitter/Facebook (through Cronjob)
- …
- Fabian Beiner (Web) (GooglePlus-Scraper)
- Frank Bültge (RSS-Feed)
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)