The primary goals for this program are to:
- Teleop drive all subsysems
- Create a visual interface to see field and robot data using FRC web components
- Use vision systems to have a SLAM style vison proccess (exluding gamepeice and robot recognition)
- Drivetrain
- Velocity based joystick control (using IMU)
- Point to point field coordinate interpolation
- Turret and arms
- Intake
- Clone repo
- Launch pynetworktables2js.exe
- Go to
- Drivetrain
- driveVelocityBased (arcade style)
- driveTank
- drivePercent (arcade style)
- translateByMeters
- driveDisable
- setControlFieldRelative
- setControlRobotRelative
- Arms
- manipulate1
- manipulate2
- turretRotateToAngle
- turretRotateByPercent
- turretLockRotation (locks rotation to be releative to field unless stops are maxed out )
- turretUnlockRotation
- turretReturnToCenter
- Intake
- setIntakeIn
- setIntakeOff
- setIntakeOut