This is a personal CV website built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. The site showcases my professional experience, skills, and projects in a clean and responsive design. The CV is deployed and available at
- Next.js Framework: Provides a fast, scalable, and SEO-friendly platform for the CV.
- Tailwind CSS: Custom styling using utility-first CSS for responsive and modern design.
- TypeScript: Ensures type safety and improves the reliability of the codebase.
- Responsive Design: Fully responsive, making it accessible on both desktop and mobile devices.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd cv-nextjs-tailwind
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the CV locally.
To build for production:
npm run build npm run start
- pages/: Contains the main pages of the CV site.
- components/: Reusable React components for different sections (e.g., header, footer, experience).
- styles/: Custom styling using Tailwind CSS.
- public/: Static assets like images.
- Next.js: React framework for building server-rendered and static web applications.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for fast UI development.
- TypeScript: Enhances JavaScript with strong typing, improving code quality and maintenance.
You can easily customize the content by editing the files in the pages/
and components/
directories. Tailwind classes can be adjusted in the JSX for modifying the styling.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Check out the live version at: