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Installing NixOS on Hetzner Online dedicated servers
Pablo edited this page Oct 10, 2023
7 revisions
The rescue system can be accessed with the credentials given by Hetzner.
Get inside, save this script somewhere and execute it. It will kexec into a NixOS live system. Swap the SSH key as needed.
# Let root run the nix installer
mkdir -p /etc/nix
echo "build-users-group =" > /etc/nix/nix.conf
# Install Nix in single-user mode
curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
. $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh
# Install nixos-generators
# This might take a while, so the verbose flag `-v` is included to monitor progress
# You may need to use an old channel like NixOS 22.05 because kexec is not included anymore in nixos-generators(?!!)
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nixos-generators
# Create a initial config, just to kexec into
cat <<EOF > /root/config.nix
services.openssh.enable = true;
users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
# Replace with your public key
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDs+LyhedR8+3W2xjQglnL9ZQMkpA/69rE9nyPptcj4a hal@arch"
# Generate the kexec script
nixos-generate -o /root/result -f kexec-bundle -c /root/config.nix
# Switch to the new system
You will most likely need to delete the host key entry in authorized_hosts after it hangs. SSH again into the system...
The live system may have a pending shutdown. Cancel it.
shutdown -c
!/usr/bin/env bash
# Installs NixOS on a Hetzner server, wiping the server.
set -euox pipefail
# Replace with your key
SSH_PUB_KEY="ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDs+LyhedR8+3W2xjQglnL9ZQMkpA/69rE9nyPptcj4a hal@arch"
# Undo existing setups to allow running the script multiple times to iterate on it.
# We allow these operations to fail for the case the script runs the first time.
umount -R /mnt || true
sleep 2
zpool destroy -f tank
devices=(/dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1)
## Partition disks
# Generate "NixOS1", "NixOS2" etc for each device and store in the labels list
for i in "${!devices[@]}"; do
for i in "${!devices[@]}"; do
sgdisk --zap-all "$device"
sgdisk --clear \
--new=1:0:"+$efi_size" \
--typecode=1:ef00 \
--change-name=1:"EFI System Partition" \
--new=2:0:0 \
--typecode=2:8300 \
--change-name=2:"$label" \
## Create ZFS pool
"-m none"
"-o ashift=12"
"tank mirror"
for i in "${!labels[@]}"; do
echo Waiting for disks to appear
sleep 2
eval "zpool create ${zpool_args[@]}"
# Create datasets, NixOS will be installed to its corresponding one
zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy -o atime=on -o relatime=on -o compression=lz4 -o xattr=sa -o acltype=posixacl tank/nixos
# This is ancient wisdom about reserving space that may not be needed anymore
# But we've encountered issues with full disks before, so it doesn't hurt to keep a gig spare
zfs create -o refreservation=1G -o mountpoint=none tank/reserved
# this creates a special volume for db data see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ZFS#Databases
zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy \
-o recordsize=8K \
-o primarycache=metadata \
-o logbias=throughput \
## NixOS pre-installation mounts
# Mount the filesystems manually. The nixos installer will detect these mountpoints
# and save them to /mnt/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix during the install process.
mount -t zfs tank/nixos /mnt
# With the OS ready
for i in "${!devices[@]}"; do
partition="${device}p1" # Assuming the first partition is suffixed with "p1"
mkfs.vfat "$partition"
mkdir -p "$mount_path"
mount "$partition" "$mount_path"
nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
NIXOS_INTERFACE=$(ip route get | grep -Po '(?<=dev )(\S+)')
IP_V4=$(ip route get | grep -Po '(?<=src )(\S+)')
read _ _ DEFAULT_GATEWAY _ < <(ip route list match 0/0); echo "$DEFAULT_GATEWAY"
# Generate `configuration.nix`. Note that we splice in shell variables.
cat > /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix <<EOF
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports =
[ # Include the results of the hardware scan.
# Use GRUB2 as the boot loader.
# We don't use systemd-boot because GRUB2 has a NixOS module for dual EFI partitions
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = false;
boot.loader.grub = {
enable = true;
efiSupport = true;
efiInstallAsRemovable = true;
mirroredBoots = [
devices = [ "nodev" ];
path = "/boot1";
devices = [ "nodev" ];
path = "/boot2";
copyKernels = true;
boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
networking.hostName = "$MY_HOSTNAME";
networking.hostId = "$MY_HOSTID";
# Network (Hetzner uses static IP assignments, and we don't use DHCP here)
networking.useDHCP = false;
networking.interfaces."$NIXOS_INTERFACE".ipv4.addresses = [
address = "$IP_V4";
prefixLength = 24;
networking.defaultGateway = "$DEFAULT_GATEWAY";
networking.defaultGateway6 = { address = "fe80::1"; interface = "$NIXOS_INTERFACE"; };
networking.nameservers = [ "" ];
# Initial empty root password for easy login:
users.users.root.initialHashedPassword = "";
services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "prohibit-password";
users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = ["$SSH_PUB_KEY"];
services.openssh.enable = true;
# Install NixOS
PATH="$PATH" NIX_PATH="$NIX_PATH" `which nixos-install` \
--no-root-passwd --root /mnt --max-jobs 40
echo Take a final look at the installed system before rebootin