⚠️ Outline.com does no longer work. Therfore this repository is pretty much useless.
I observed that some news outlets are putting some of their posts behind a paywall. Therfore some discussions on reddit will be pretty useless.
Therefore I wrote a bot that scrapes a subreddit and comments a a backup that will be made via outline and via archive.
I tested this with the Python 3.8.10 on Windows 10 and on Ubuntu, but I think it should work on other versions as well.
To use it please create a file that looks like the sample_config.py.
To use it you have to register a script on reddit.
There you can obtain the client_id and client_secret and add in the variable user_agent your username or something where you can be contacted, if the bot goes postal. In the other variables add the matching values.
pip install requirements.txt
python main.py
The data.json file shows the return of outline.com and doesn't serve any purpose, rather to show the return.
If there is a bug or you have a feature request, you're free to open a issue / pull request!