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CfgFunctions.hpp Generator (Arma 3)

This Visual Studio Code extension creates CfgFunctions.hpp (Functions Library) file with a simple click of a button when developing Arma 3.

Generating CfgRemoteExec.hpp (Remote Execution Framework) with persistent parameters is also supported (see documentation below).

This extension is somewhat opinionated when it comes to secure scripting. It intends and attempts to make basically all script based cheats useless.


CfgFunctions generation

CfgRemoteExec generation


  • Automatic generation of CfgFunctions.hpp file with a simple button click in VS Code interface (CfgFunctions.hpp file needs to be open and active)
  • Support for even complex projects with multiple dependencies or otherwise complex/large folder structure
  • Personal/project tag included in settings (mandatory)
  • Autocompletion for functions in the Functions Library that have been defined/added by the user (since v0.2.0) - note that you need to auto-generate CfgFunctions.hpp once after opening the editor for the autocompletion to become active
  • Generation of CfgRemoteExec.hpp template based on your custom functions by running a task (Ctrl + Shift + P) (since v0.3.0)
  • Support for postInit and preInit attributes.
    • Name your function fn_preInit_yourFunction.sqf or fn_postInit_yourFunction.sqf to include the needed attribute. (Since v0.5.0)
  • Support for persistent remote execution framework (CfgRemoteExec.hpp) parameters (function targets and JIP (Join In Progress)) for added security. (since v1.0.0)
    • For persistent CfgRemoteExec parameters, use formatting fn_%1_%2_functionName.sqf where %1 = ALL || CLIENT || SERVER and %2 = JIP. Or the former in reverse order, it's supported too.
      • Example: fn_CLIENT_JIP_getCarKeys.sqf or fn_JIP_CLIENT_getCarKeys.sqf. Or: fn_SERVER_JIP_loadUnitData.sqf or fn_JIP_SERVER_loadUnitData.sqf.
      • If you don't need to send a function call to JIP (Join In Progress) queue, just leave the JIP part off. Example: fn_SERVER_loadUnitData.sqf or fn_CLIENT_loadUnitData.sqf.
      • Also adding JIP parameter only is supported for special cases, but it's not recommended. If the JIP only gets defined, the remote execution will allow all targets. (It's better to have separate functions for targeting server and clients.)


  • Up-to-date Visual Studio Code installation.
  • (Empty) CfgFunctions.hpp file in MISSION_OR_CAMPAIGN_ROOT/functions/ folder.
  • Filenames of SQF files to be included must start with 'fn_'.
  • SQF files must be located in subfolder of MISSION_OR_CAMPAIGN_ROOT/functions/ folder.
  • CfgFunctions.hpp file needs to be open and the active file in the editor.
  • To generate CfgRemoteExec.hpp, you need to have CfgFunctions.hpp open and as active file in the editor.

Extension Settings

  • Personal/project tag to avoid naming conflicts.
  • Toggle to enable/disable allowing debug mode (functions recompile and logging).

Known Issues

  • You must click the CfgFunctions.hpp file contents in editor view at first before clicking the "Generate CfgFunctions.hpp (Arma 3)" button.
  • CfgFunctions.hpp generation might fail if CfgFunctions.hpp file has been edited and not saved when clicking the generate button.
  • Autocompletion of custom user defined functions works only after running the automatic generation of CfgFunctions.hpp at least once after opening the editor.
  • If you generate CfgRemoteExec.hpp:
      1. the file must not exist yet (the operation will fail if the file exists already to prevent accidental overwrites),
      1. you need to have generated CfgFunctions.hpp at least once, and
      1. you need to have the CfgFunctions.hpp file active in the editor (by e.g. clicking on it's contents in the normal editor view) when you run the Generate CfgRemoteExec template (Arma 3) task. (Ctrl + Shift + P)

Bug reports are highly appreciated!

Release Notes


Initial release.


Added autocompletion for functions in the Functions Library defined by the user.


Added an option/task to generate CfgRemoteExec.hpp template based on the CfgFunctions.hpp.

Note that you must generate the CfgFunctions.hpp at least once and make sure that the file is active by clicking on it in the editor view before you can run the Generate CfgRemoteExec template (Arma 3) task. (Ctrl + Shift + P)


Fixed IntelliSense suggestions. The editor/IntelliSense should now suggest autocompletion of defined functions properly when you start typing the full function name (starting from your developer tag/prefix).


Added support for postInit and preInit attributes for functions. Name your function fn_preInit_yourFunction.sqf or fn_postInit_yourFunction.sqf to include the needed attribute.


Hotfix: missing semicolon when using attributes on core functions.


Support for persistent remote execution framework (CfgRemoteExec.hpp) parameters (function targets and JIP (Join In Progress)) for added security.


Fix showcase GIFs not showing.


Add documentation with examples how to make the Remote Execution Framework's function parameters persistent. (See "Requirements" on this page.)


Make CfgRemoteExec.hpp generation more tolerant to typos/casing mistakes & fix a bug that allowed user to define function as JIP (Join In Progress) one without allowed target(s) getting specified.


Add toggle to enable or disable allowing debug mode in Functions library. Improve documentation in CfgRemoteExec.hpp. Update project description.
