UDP Reverse Shell written in Python 3 and with Scapy (backdoor/rev shell) without exposing any port and data Exfiltration using udp
Requires root to run !
- pip
- python3
- If using shell or reciver in windows you need install libcap
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Shell Help
sudo python3 shell.py -h
usage: shell.py [-h] -s SRC -d DES [-v] [-l]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SRC, --src SRC data is coming from (remote ip )
-d DES, --des DES data is coming to (local ip)
-v, --verbose for verbose info
-l, --listen To be a listener
- Example Shell usage
sudo python3 udp_reciver.py -h
usage: udp_reciver.py [-h] -s SRC -d DES -f FILE [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SRC, --src SRC data is coming from (remote ip )
-d DES, --des DES data is comming to (local ip)
-f FILE, --file FILE file name to send or store
-v, --verbose for verbose info