##Debug_Monitor Version
- 1.0.0
##Version info I have 2 versions on the Debug Monitor for DayZ v1.7.6.1.
- Always on version
- Trigger version
##Version Requirements All Version are updated when released on DayZ Commander!
- DayZ: v1.7.6.1
- DayZ+: v1.1.2
- DayZ Celle: v1.9
- DayZ Fallujah: v1.5
- DayZ Isladuala: v1.1
- DayZ Lingor: v1.3
- DayZ Namalsk: v0.74
- DayZ Oring: v1.2
- DayZ Panthera: v1.8
- DayZ Redux: v1.0.0
- DayZ Takistan: v1.7
- DayZ Taviana (DayzTaviana.com): v2.0
- DayZ Taviana (DayzLand.eu): v1.5.1
- DayZ Thirsk: v1.3
- DayZ Utes: v1.3
- DayZ Zargabad: v1.5
##Installation Installing takes around 5-10 minutes depending on your skill level.
- These files are just to compare to your mission files, So that you know what to change to get the Debug monitor working on the version you have.
- If you do nownload these files remember to change the following.
- Instance ID
- Depending on what Hive you use you will have to add a few lines or remove a line. Compare it to yours before replacing.
##Notes Trigger version will not work with FPS, Will be looking into this further and see if I can find a work around for it.
##Author P1-Kashwak
- Citidel
- Torndeco
- Dirty Rat
- Pwnoz0r
- Rocket
- Open DayZCommunity