This is a toy path tracer demo used to show the Evergine raytracing common low-level API capabilities. In this demo, you can see how to implement a little room path tracer with Soft Shadow, Ambient Occlusion, Global Ilumination, and Antialiasing.
For more details about this demo read this article.
Note. The room model cortesy of Hedgehog
- Required Visual Studio 2022 with.NET6 support
- Required Graphics card with Raytracing technology (Ej. NVidia Geforce 2060 or higher)
- DirectX12 and Vulkan support. (Change in the program.cs or pass as arguments)
The parameters available for manage the path tracer render are:
- Camera Pos X: Move the camera position in X-axis.
- Camera Pos Y: Move the camera position in Y-axis.
- Camera Pos Z: Move the camera position in Z-axis.
- Light Radius: Light radius affect the shadows.
- AO Num. Rays: Number of Ambient occlusion rays.
- AO Radius: Lenght of the ambient occlusion rays.
- GI Num Bounces: Number of bounces of Global illumination rays.
- Num Samples: Number of samples used to the path tracer render.
To compile HLSL (DX12) shader to SpirV (Vulkan) you can use the shaderTranslator.ps1 script in Content/Shaders folder.
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