This is a framework to get started creating generative art in F#. This framework's goal is to get you up and running creating generative art as fast as possible! The aim of this framework is to enable everything in the workflow of making creative works within a beautiful environment but still allow your work to go to living anywhere you want it to go. If you want this work to live on a wall, resizing and saving is made easy for you. Let's say that you made an animation and want people to be able to see the animation playing online. You can either export the rendering as a video or gif format. If you really want to allow the user to have full interaction with the work you are creating, you can even embed the code into your website by converting your animation into javascript with Fable.
The starting point of all the drawings is the canvas. From the canvas, we can then reference the height and width which will help us to place our shapes on the page.
open Plotter
let canvas = Canvas.A4 Orientation.Landscape
let height = Canvas.height canvas
let width = Canvas.width canvas
Every drawing is done with some sort of pen. This can be anything that you can put in your pen-plotter, but for all of them, the API is the same.
open Math.Units
let red =
Pen.create [
Pen.thickness (Length.millimeters 0.5)
Pen.color "#FF0000" ]
let green =
Pen.create [
Pen.thickness (Length.millimeters 0.7)
Pen.color "#00FF00" ]
let blue =
Pen.create [
Pen.thickness (Length.millimeters 0.3)
Pen.color "#0000FF" ]
We then need to create the geometries that we want to draw to the canvas. I'm doing my shapes so that they are drawn in
relation to the canvas width and height. If you are always going to use the fixed size canvas, you can use specific
measurements for example if that process is easier for you.
open Math.Geometry
let circle =
Circle2D.withRadius (height/4) (Point2D.xy (width/3) (height/3))
let square =
(Point2D.xy (width/2) (height/2))
(Point2D.xy (width*2/3) (height*2/3))
/// TODO: Fix this one
let triangle =
(Point2D.xy (width/2) (height/2))
(Point2D.xy (width/2) (height/2))
(Point2D.xy (width*2/3) (height*2/3))
Once we have our canvas, pens, and geometries, then we can put them all together.
Plotter.create [
Layer.withPen red [ circle ]
Layer.withPen green [ Plotter.boundingBox square ]
Layer.withPen blue [ Plotter.triangle triangle ]
To run this application just type
dotnet run