Skyblock Dungeon Mod made with ChatTriggers. Created by DUNGEONSDUNGEONS.
Run the command /ct import sbd
ingame. Requires ChatTriggers to be installed.
Party Finder Stats Overlay
- shows stats of players in party finder
- includes cata level, secrets, secret average, and S+ PB
Party Finder Autokick
- automatically kick joining players by their PB or secrets
- specify required S+ PB (in seconds) and the floor to be checked
- specify required secret count
Show Missing Classes
- shows missing classes in M4/M6/M7 party finder
Solo Clear Tracker
- track all of your solo clear times
- show stats of your clears
Opens the SBD config./topsoloclears <floor> <amount>
Shows your top solo clear times/soloclearstats <floor>
Shows your solo clear stats