Here are my config files in case my Linux goes down. You should be able to find the following configuration files :
- Emacs
- Nano
- Zsh
- i3-gaps (tiling manager)
- nvim (neovim)
- polybar
I'm a newbie about making configurations... So be kind ! Maybe it is not the best way to do it, do not hesitate to tell me if something is wrong !
Terminal: Konsole
Shell: ZSH
Navigator: Google Chrome
Wallpaper: Windows 11 light (Download it !)
WM: i3
Compositor: Picom (Download it !)
Icon pack: McMojave-circle (Download it for KDE)
DMenu: Rofi
Cli editor: Neovim
Gui editor: Lite-xl (Download it !)
File explorer: Dolphin
I recently used i3 in KDE instead of KWin, and I found it quite nice ! Here are some screens :
Multi terminal + Dolphin (compositor : forked Picom - blur + rounded corners)
A simple centered terminal (Konsole)
Also if you want to use KDE with the default WM/Compositor (KWin), you can still download my configs in the kde/ folder :
Dolphin as file explorer (theme made with Kvantum) and Konsole as terminal emulator (because Konsole allows the background transparency), with Win11 wallpaper (look in the wallpaper folder).
NvChad's neovim configuration (thanks to him !)
To apply my KDE configs, there are two ways :
- With Plasma Configuration Saver : Install Plasma Config Saver from the KDE store (Plasmoid) and import any of those tar.gz file, then click on apply and restart !
- With Konsave : Install Konsave from the url : Then use konsave -i to import any of those .knsv files, and apply the theme using konsave -a (Not tested yet !)
- Linum mode
- tab width = 4
- theme misterioso
- starting message disabled
- color syntax
- color parenthesis pair
- mouse wheel enabled
- temp files disabled (#*# and ~*)
- menu bar disabled
- Tab width = 4
- added oh-my-zsh
- lots of aliases
- even more aliases (mines are especially here to avoid syntax errors like "maek" instead of "make", "suod" instead of "sudo" ...)
- a random Start Wars and Doom quotes generator at startup
- plugins : git and zsh-autosuggestions
- auto update (every 30 days)
- custom prompt and rprompt (with non-ASCII characters, works well on Terminator/Konsole)
- i3 gaps (you'll have to install i3-gaps to make it work)
- custom i3 bar (changing colors when plugged, when wifi disabled/enabled/connected, sound (red if muted))
- custom bindings (meta+d to get dmenu (you're gonna need to install it too))
- custom lock screen (screenshot, blurred, add lock icon)
- printscreen button takes a screeshot, save it in Pictures/Screenshots, and copy it into the clipboard
Here are my KDE config archives. Those are KDE themes I made by myself. Feel free to download them if you wanna give em a try ! The only thing you have to do is to install the "plasma custom saver" applet (download :, import the tar.gz and apply it. Here are three of my configurations :
- MacOSX.tar.gz : a MacOS-like interface, with many little modifications I found useful.
- Final.tar.gz : It looks like a chromeOS with a macOS top bar. It's strange but it's really beautiful.
- Blurred.tar.gz : a cleaner version of a windows-like interface, with too much blurred bars. Final.tar.gz is an improved version of this one.
- macos11.konsv : linux, with a macos-like interface and a win11 wallpaper.
- Configured using .lua files (not .vim anymore)
- vim-tree (Ctrl + N to display a tree of your working directory)
- onedark theme
- An awesome fucking dragon is displayed in the main menu (with little motivating sentences)
- added plugins (like rainbow brackets) I downloaded the NvChad configuration ( but modified it a bit.
Note for myself : The next thing I have to put in nvim is a indent of 4 spaces (currently 2). I do not manage to do that, if someone knows, please tell me...
Picom is a x11 compositor for Linux. It allows us to add graphical effects to our x11 environment (like animations, blur, transparancy...). Mine adds the following effects :
- opacity 95% when unfocused window,
- rounded corner (5px) on window,
- shadow on window (bottom + right)
- it should add blur on transparent window but it doesn't (I have to patch it... be patient !)
That's it. Feel free to download them, but DO NOT modify the repo : it is for private usage. Thanks