A Julia library for transliterating Ancient Greek from Beta Code to Unicode, from Unicode to Beta Code, and from either Beta Code or Unicode to a transliteration in Latin characters.
The Beta Code → Unicode function is coordinated with the functionality of the Javascript BetaReader.js library. (That library handles only the transliteration from Beta Code to Unicode.)
Having installed Julia and navigated to this respository's directory…
% julia
(start Julia)julia> ]
(activate command-mode)pkg> activate .
julia> using BetaReader
julia> BetaReader.betaToUnicode("mh=nin a)/eide")
julia> BetaReader.unicodeToBeta("μῆνιν ἄειδε θεά")
julia> BetaReader.unicodeToLatinUnicode("μῆνιν ἄειδε θεά")
julia> BetaReader.betacodeToLatinUnicode("mh=nin a)/eide")
N.b. This release is includes breaking changes. The former function transcodeGreek()
is now betaToUnicode()
Run the unit tests like this:
julia> ]
(activate command-mode)pkg> activate .
pkg> test
This repository includes a tutorial in the form of a Pluto notebook, at notebooks/Tutorial.jl
The official Beta Code manual is here. This library does not intend to cover that in full.
This repository includes a complete reference guide in both Markdown and as a PDF.
To generate a reference guide from the code:
julia> usingBetaReader
(if you haven't already done that)julia> println(BetaReader.printReferenceGuide())