core package, as an inter-lingua to work with sim, FTS, and potentially other simulation packages.
can see detailed code documentation.
- (which should be up to date for the
Current planned sketch: IO:
- Files ←→ dictionaries
- Force field
- Topology
- Mapping
Core: cgfts
- System object: holds FF, Topology, Misc settings (e.g. CGMD or PFTS) Moleculetype dictionary
- FF object (Charles)
- infer bead types from ff definition
- Topology module? (My, Kevin)
- Beadtype names, bonds, maybe: alternative comb definitions/helper functions
- Tosim
- Topfts
- parameters for bead types should be in force field. Topology simply directly uses bead names
Core Tools?
- mapping
- Creating Combs
Non-core tools? (maybe another package, mdfts_utils)
- Running FTS?
- Computations?