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Callum Newman edited this page Sep 17, 2024 · 3 revisions

We assume you have a ProteanCMS website setup and running locally on Local IIS in Visual Studio, with a root default.ashx and root bin.

Add Protean.Providers.Payment.JudoPay the solution and add it as a reference to the website project.

This is found in the Protean_AddOns Repo, note, for access to this contact Eonic Digital LLP.


/xforms/paymentproviders/judopay.xml /xsl/installedmodules/judopay.xsl

from the judopay project to the website


<xsl:import href="InstalledModules/judopay.xsl"/>

to /xsl/installedModules.xsl


<add name="JudoPay" type="Protean.Providers.Payment.JudoPay, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" /> 

as so....

    <web configSource="protean.web.config"/>
    <cart configSource="protean.cart.config"/>
    <payment configSource="protean.payment.config"/>
    <mailinglist configSource="protean.mailinglist.config"/>
    <theme configSource="protean.theme.config"/>
    <scheduler configSource="protean.scheduler.config"/>
        <add name="JudoPay" type="Protean.Providers.Payment.JudoPay, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Goto protean admin > Ecommerce > Settings > PaymentProviders

Add Judopay and complete the settings.

DLL's required.

Protean.Providers.Payment.judopay.dll log4net.dll Judopaydotnet.dll fluentValidation.dll

These should be added to the project when building and the Protean.Providers.Payment.Judopay Project in the solutions.

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