This project is forked from with modifications and additions.
Now you can pass connection parameters opt
to control the connection behavior. This is crucial when using connection pools, for example:
conn:connect(host, port, {pool_size = POOL_MAX, backlog = POOL_BACKLOG})
Using the above two commands, you can create any functionality you want. See:
The above features now exhibit the expected behavior.
lua-resty-mongol - Lua Mongodb driver for ngx_lua base on the cosocket API
Thanks to project Mongol by daurnimator
luajit(or attempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary error
will be produced.)
ngx_lua 0.5.0rc5 or ngx_openresty is required.
make install
Add package path into nginx.conf.
lua_package_path '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/?/init.lua;;';
or into lua files before requiring.
local p = "/usr/local/openresty/lualib/"
local m_package_path = package.path
package.path = string.format("%s?.lua;%s?/init.lua;%s",
p, p, m_package_path)
Requring the module will return a function that connects to mongod: it takes a host (default localhost) and a port (default 27017); it returns a connection object.
mongol = require "resty.mongol"
conn = mongol:new() -- return a conntion object
Default host and port is: localhost
and 27017
Sets socket connecting, reading, writing timeout value, unit is milliseconds.
In case of success, returns 1. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.
Keeps the socket alive for msec
by ngx_lua cosocket.
In case of success, returns 1. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.
Returns the socket reused times.
In case of success, returns times. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.
Closes the connection.
In case of success, returns 1. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.
Returns a boolean indicating if this is the master server and a table of other hosts this server is replicating with
or nil, err
on failure.
Returns a new connection object that is connected to the primary server
or nil , errmsg
on failure.
The returned connection object may be this connection object itself.
Returns a table describing databases on the server. string
databases.empty: boolean
databases.sizeOnDisk: number
Shutsdown the server. Returns nothing.
Returns a database object, or nil.
Returns 1 in case of success, or nil with error message.
Returns a collection object for more operations.
Returns 1 in case of success, or nil with error message.
Returns number of rows been updated or nil for error.
- upsert, if set to
, the database will insert the supplied object into the collection if no matching document is found, default to0
. - multiupdate, if set to
, the database will update all matching objects in the collection. Otherwise only updates first matching doc, default to0
. Multi update only works with $ operators. - safe can be a boolean or integer, defaults to
. If1
, the program will issue a cmdgetlasterror
to server to query the result. Iffalse
, return valuen
would always be-1
Returns 0 for success, or nil with error message.
- continue_on_error, if set, the database will not stop processing a bulk insert if one fails (eg due to duplicate IDs).
- safe can be a boolean or integer, defaults to
. If1
or ``true, the program will issue a cmd
getlasterror` to server to query the result. If `false`, return value `n` would always be `-1`
Returns number of rows been deleted, or nil with error message.
- singleRemove if set to 1, the database will remove only the first matching document in the collection. Otherwise all matching documents will be removed. Default to
- safe can be a boolean or integer, defaults to
. If1
, the program will issue a cmdgetlasterror
to server to query the result. Iffalse
, return valuen
would always be-1
Returns a single element array, or nil.
- returnfields is the fields to return, eg:
Returns a cursor object for excuting query.
- returnfields is the fields to return, eg:
- num_each_query is the max result number for each query of the cursor to avoid fetch a large result in memory, must larger than
for no limit, default to100
- cursorID is an 8 byte string representing the cursor to getmore on
- numberToReturn is the number of results to return, defaults to -1
- offset_i is the number to start numbering the returned table from, defaults to 1
Returns the next item and advances the cursor.
A handy wrapper around cursor:next() that works in a generic for loop:
for index, item in cursor:pairs() do
Limits the number of results returned.
Returns an array with size size
sorted by given field.
- field is an array by which to sort, and this array size MUST be 1. The element in the array has as key the field name, and as value either
for ascending sort, or-1
for descending sort. - num is the temp array size for sorting, default to
under developing
Returns a gridfs file object.
Returns number of files been deleted, or nil with error message.
- singleRemove if set to 1, the database will remove only the first matching document in the collection. Otherwise all matching documents will be removed. Default to
- safe can be a boolean or integer, defaults to
. If1
, the program will issue a cmdgetlasterror
to server to query the result. Iffalse
, return valuen
would always be-1
Writes first object matchs fields into file_handler. This API will malloc a buffer in file size in memory.
Returns 0 for success, or nil with error message.
- file_handler is file handler returned by io:open().
- meta is a table include
_id, filename, chunkSize, contentType, aliases, metadata
or anything the user wants to store. Default meta.filename is the object id in string. - safe can be a boolean or integer, defaults to
. If1
, the program will issue a cmdgetlasterror
to server to query the result. Iffalse
, return valuen
would always be-1
Returns a new gridfs file object, or nil with error message.
- meta is a table include
_id, filename, chunkSize, contentType, aliases, metadata
or anything the user wants to store. Default meta.filename is the object id in string.
Returns number of bytes read from mongodb, or nil with error message.
- offse start from 0
Returns number of bytes writen into mongodb, or nil with error message.
- offset is the file offset(should not beyond the end of the file), starting from 0.
- size is the number of bytes to be writen.
Hashs the file content and updates the md5 in file collection.
- collections are string containing any value except "\0"
- database_name are strings containing any character except "." and "\0"
- Auth bson message has reduntant value.
- Could not inserting a null array, it always inserted as a document.
- Gridfs_new api only create a meta info in file_col.
local mongo = require "resty.mongol"
conn = mongo:new()
ok, err = conn:connect()
if not ok then
ngx.say("connect failed: "..err)
local db = conn:new_db_handle ( "test" )
col = db:get_col("test")
r = col:find_one({name="dog"})
> config = {_id: 'testset', members: [
{_id: 0, host: ''},
{_id: 1, host: ''},
{_id: 2, host: ''}]
> rs.initiate(config);
nohup bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/57cbd36d-5b70-4888-8537-bea71119363e/mongodb --oplogSize 10 --rest --replSet testset --port 27017 --keyFile key.file &
nohup bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/0a9419ae-4ec3-48c2-ad8d-df68a09aed13/mongodb --oplogSize 10 --rest --replSet testset --port 27018 --keyFile key.file &
nohup bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/8ee9efc0-a854-4c45-8893-7b4cb9ed0e5f/mongodb --oplogSize 10 --rest --replSet testset --port 27019 --keyFile key.file &
> use test
> db.addUser("admin","admin")