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A docker image for pipelining the deployment and operation of Cloud Platforms

Intended to be a lighter version of pcf-ops based on alpine instead of ubuntu.



docker pull engineerbetter/cf-ops

Included tools

Base alpine linux plus the following

tool description docs
aws CLI for interacting with AWS reference
bash reference
bbl CLI for standing up a BOSH director reference
bosh CLI for interacting with a BOSH director reference
certstrap CLI for creating CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates reference
cf CLI for interacting with Cloud Foundry reference
credhub CLI for interacting with Credhub credential management servers reference
curl CLI to transfer data from or to a server reference
fly CLI for interacting with a Concourse deployment reference
gcloud CLI for interacting with Google Cloud Platform reference
ginkgo BDD testing framework in Golang reference
git Source control tool reference
gometalinter Linting tool for Golang code reference
jq CLI for manipulating JSON reference
kubectl CLI for interacting with Kubernetes reference
om CLI for interacting with Pivotal Operations Manager reference
parallel Build and execute shell command lines from standard input in parallel reference
shellcheck Static analysis tool for shell scripts reference
stopover CLI to emit a YAML file listing versions of all resources for a given Concourse build (For Concourse <v5.0) reference
stopover.v2 CLI to emit a YAML file listing versions of all resources for a given Concourse build (For Concourse >=v5.0) reference
terraform Infrastructure as code reference
uaac CLI to interact with a UAA reference
yaml-patch CLI for applying patches to YAML files reference
yml2env Run a command with env vars from a YAML file reference
yq jq wrapper for YAML reference

Languages installed via apk add
