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This package can be used to highlight code lines. It uses Prism for highlighting.

Installation & Configuration

  1. Install the package:
dotnet add package CodeLineHighlight --version 1.0.0
  1. Download prism.js for code-highlighting support and put it into your libs folder:

You can install it from:

Then, add prism.cs and prism.js files to your layout.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <!-- code abbreviated for simplicity -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/prism.css" asp-append-version="true"/> 
      <!-- code abbreviated for simplicity -->
      <script src="~/js/prism.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>  


Let's assume you have markdown content and want to highlight the 3rd line. You can do this as below (just specify {line-number} next to the language):

   ```csharp {3}
      public class HelloWorld 
         public void ShowMessage() 
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

You can specify more than one line to highlight and also specify line intervals to highlight. For example, csharp {3-5, 7} with such use, the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th lines will be highlighted.

To render this markdown as HTML, you can use Markdown.ToHtml method. This method basically gets two parameters: the first one is the markdown content and the second one is a pipeline, which can be considered custom steps that we want to apply while rendering the content as HTML.

You need to add HighlightedCodeBlockExtension to this pipeline to the benefit of code-highlighting. For this purpose, you can use the UseHighlightedCodeBlocks method while building the pipeline and passing it through the Markdown.ToHtml method as below:

   var pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
      .UseHighlightedCodeBlocks() //use highlighted code blocks 
   var result = Markdown.ToHtml(text.ToString(), pipeline);

Then, if you added the prism.js into your layout as mentioned above, you should see an output as follows:


This repository contains one sample application named LineHighlightDemo, which you can see under the demo folder. If you encounter a problem, you can check this sample application.