This program was made as an assignment for Satellite communication Course , under the supervision of dr. Mahmoud Selim the department of Communication and Electronics engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University.
Developed by:
Eng\ Ahmed Shaheen
Eng\ Mohamed El-Demerdash
(Our first GUI program ^_^)
We have developed an easy gui software that help the user to compute Antenna alignment parameters and determine the angles for any satellite. Program features:
- Ask the user to input the following data: satellite name, type, position, user geographic coordinates, satellite orbital parameters, operating frequency and antenna dish size
- Allows the user to get his position coordinates from google map.
- Contains a database of all GeoStationary satellites’ names and positions to allow the user to choose from them.
- Restrict the user from inputting invalid data format (allows only float numbers).
- Calculate the satellite look angles, declination angle, distance and round trip time.
P.s: for further information, please read the report