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With the need to be fit and healthy on the rise today, Yoga-Tracker proves to be a valuable solution.
Yoga-Tracker classifies various Yoga poses and not just static pictures but also real time yoga poses performed in front of the camera.
It tracks how long you hold a yoga pose and keeps a track record which motivates you in your journey.
It educates users of various poses and it's benefits along with proper guidance on how to perform them.
It boasts of comaptibility over all devices, Web, Android and IOS.
It is recommended to open website (index.html) in local machine using live server of vscode or any other Apache server, for fast loading of tensorflowjs model.
It can classify 6 different yoga poses which are divided into 2 sets:
- Yoga Set 1
- Tree Pose
- Warrior1 Pose
- Downward Dog Pose
- Yoga Set 2
- Mountain Pose
- Warrior2 Pose
- Godess Pose