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MERN project with simple user log-in/sign-up. MongoDB. NoSQL database on MongoDB Atlas. Express.js framework for/in Node.js to benefit from out of the box functionality. React.js library for the client-side. Node.js runtime environment for the server-side.

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MERN project - simple User Log-in/Sign-up

This MERN project has 2 directories.
Before ANY command, ALWAYS check if you are in the correct directory!

  • client - the React.js app front-end
  • server - the Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js back-end

What is this about?

A small responsive web application, where a user can sign up (required are email, username, password), log in (required are email, password), and once logged in/verified, are greeted by a welcome screen that offers the possibility to log out.
MERN stack is used.
MongoDB and NoSQL database on MongoDB Atlas. Express.js framework for/in Node.js to benefit from out of the box functionality. React.js library for the client-side. Node.js runtime environment for the server-side.


Screenshot of the Log in view
Screenshot of the Sign in view
Screenshot of the Welcome view

  • User Authentication (verification, validation of user credentials) & Authorization (access to particular areas of application, depending on level of authorization) with JSON Web Token
  • bcrypt is used for password hashing
  • at sign up, check will be done if user already exists (if email exists)
  • if not, user will be created, token will be created
  • at log in, check will be done if user already exists (if email exists)
  • password will be compared (database <-> input)
  • token will be created
  • user will be logged in and redirected to simple welcome view

Server (back-end)


  • bcrypt - for password hashing
  • cookie-parser - middleware, to handle cookie-based sessions
  • cors - middleware, to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for an Express.js application
  • dotenv - to configure and separate data that is NOT supposed to be committed (environment variables)
  • express - Node.js framework of choice
  • jsonwebtoken - to create and verify JSON Web Tokens
  • mongoose - to create the data model and to connect to the database on MongoDB Atlas
  • nodemon - to automatically restart Node.js whenever a change has been made to the code

Client (front-end)


  • react - React.js and all of the depencencies coming with npx create-react-app
  • react-cookie - universal cookies for React, handles cookie-based sessions
  • react-router-dom - to enable client-side routing
  • react-toastify - to add (temporaryly ugly) notifications
  • axios - HTTP client for Node.js and the browser

How to run this?

  • clone project
  • as there's a package.json in client AND a package.json in server you need to cd into each directory and run npm install in each one of them
  • beware of the .env file which is not committed; you won't have the MONGODB_URI, PORT and TOKEN_KEY variables and you won't have the assigned values so the project won't work unless you set these values (see below to get an idea how to set up your .env file)
  • cd into server first to start it with npm start (will listen on port 4000)
  • cd into client second to start it with npm start (will open on http://localhost:3000 and immediately redirect to http://localhost:3000/login)
  • stop server/s with ctrl c

Source / Pitfalls

Project has been coded along to
Heads-up, in case you also want to code along, the freecodecamp tutorial is quite error prone. Along with generally wrong tutorial code, the following should be taken into consideration:

  • you cannot create the client folder as it is described
    • you need to create this folder by running npx create-react-app client
    • client then is the folder/project name
  • .gitignore needs to be moved to the parent folder react-auth-app
    • to successfully push EVERYTHING to a GitHub repo
    • explanation how/why is missing
  • you should have experiences with
    • MongoDB, MongoDB Atlas
    • how to set up a free cluster and an (empty! you don't need content upfront!) database
    • otherwise following the tutorial is difficult
  • the neutral example code shown in the tutorial how to connect to your MongoDB Atlas database is wrong
    • needs to be as shown below (at time of writing)
  • explanation regarding the .env file is bad and incomplete
    • it is not mentioned that this file of course NEEDS to be .gitignored
    • it is not mentioned how to handle TOKEN_KEY, so this keeps the app from running successfully
    • basically something as shown below (at time of writing) is needed
// .env file
MONGODB_URI = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<clustername>.<randomcharactersgeneratedbymongodb><databasename>?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
PORT = 4000
TOKEN_KEY = Secret
  • one should have experiences with Postman, otherwise following the tutorial is difficult


  • deploy the React app on GitHub pages


MERN project with simple user log-in/sign-up. MongoDB. NoSQL database on MongoDB Atlas. Express.js framework for/in Node.js to benefit from out of the box functionality. React.js library for the client-side. Node.js runtime environment for the server-side.







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