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This library contains essential Android extensions which we use in daily projects

How To


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
	    maven { url '' }

dependency to your module build.gradle file

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Eldhopj:android-extensions:1.1'

For info on using in the maven and others, see the jitpack docs page.


Activity Extensions

  • .blockInput -> Blocks the user touch inputs. Usually useful when we doing some loading and we have to prevent user inputs on that moment
  • .unblockInput -> Unblocks the user touch inputs

Please go thorough the Activity Extensions code documentation for more information

Bundle Extensions

  • .toStringMap -> Convert the key & string values in the bundle to Map entries
  • .toMap -> Convert the key & values in the bundle to Map entries

Please go thorough the Bundle Extension code documentation for more information

Context Extensions

  • .getColorCompat -> Get Color from res

      1.colorId -> color resource id
  • .getDrawableCompat -> Get drawable from res

      1.colorId -> drawable resource id
  • .toast -> Shows Toast message

      1.message -> toast message, either in string or string res
      2.duration -> toast duration (not mandatory). Default value is short
  • .browse -> Open an url in browser

      1.url -> web url
      2.newTask -> enable FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK (not mandatory). Default value is false
  • .hideKeyboard -> Hides the keyboard from the user

      1.view -> view id
  • .showKeyboard -> Displays the keyboard to the user

      1.view -> view id
  • .isOnline -> Checks whether device is connected to network or not.

  • .isConnectedToWifiNetwork -> Checks whether the device is connected to Wi-Fi or not.

  • .isConnectedToCellularNetwork -> Checks whether the device is connected to Mobile-data or not.

  • .openAppInPlayStore -> Opens the App in play store. Usually useful for doing review and ratings.

  • .getAppVersionCode -> Get app version code

  • .getAppVersionName -> Get app version name

  • .resourceToUri -> Returns the resource in Uri format

      1.resId -> Resource id.
  • .getAppUserAgent -> Returns the App user-agent which can be used to pass in the API headers or params.

  • .getAppName -> Get app name

  • .weakReference -> Returns the weak reference of the context.

Please go thorough the Context Extension code documentation

EditText Extensions

  • .value -> Get EditText value

Please go thorough the EditText Extension code documentation for more information

Fragment Extensions

  • .toast -> Shows Toast message

      1.message -> toast message, either in string or string res
      2.duration -> toast duration (not mandatory). Default value is short

Please go thorough the Fragment Extensions code documentation for more information

TextView Extensions

  • .isEllipsized -> Returns true if the text is ellipsized

  • .setFontFamily -> Overrides the default typeface with the font resource Provided.

      1.fontRes -> Font Resource id
  • .textAppearance -> Set Text appearance

      1.context -> context
      2.resId -> Style res id
  • .underLine -> Extension method underLine for TextView.

  • .bold -> Extension method bold for TextView.

Please go thorough the TextView Extensions code documentation for more information

View Extensions

  • .setOnSafeClickListener -> Restrict multiple consecutive click events for the view.

      1.defaultInterval -> defaultInterval Interval to wait until click is enabled (not mandatory). Default interval is 800ms
  • .enable -> Make View Enable

  • .disable -> Make view Disable, goes in a disabled color and clicks wont accept

  • .gone -> Make the view Gone

  • .visible -> Make the view Visible

  • .snackbar -> Shows Snackbar

      1.messageRes ->  snackbar message
      2.length -> duration
      3.actionRes -> action button text (optinal). Needed only if there is any action for snackbar
      4.actionColor -> Color of action button (optinal)

Sample Code:

button.setOnSafeClickListener { view ->
		toast("action clicked")

Please go thorough the View Extensions code documentation for more information