R Shiny app for teaching how drift diffusion model (ddm) predicts speed and accuracy of decision making. The app has been uploded to the web on Feb 2nd 2014: http://elkatz.shinyapps.io/shinyDDM/
Function: The user can set some parameters of the drift-diffusion model (ddm) and assess the consequence on the psychometric and chronometric functions, according to anlytic equations provided by Palmer, Huk & Shadlen 2005, Journal of Vision.
Files: There's a user interface file (ui.r) and server file (server.r) that constitute the app, according to Shiny guidelines (http://www.rstudio.com/shiny/). Additionally, there's a helperFucntions.r file with additional functionality.
For more info on R and Shiny see the R Studio webiste: http://www.rstudio.com/shiny/
- Leor Katz, Jan 2014