- Hint bubble for first time visitors
- Colorful background
- Fixing autoplay to not play a frequence of songs over and over again
- (because of the relatedVideo search of the youtube api there is always the same song related to one specific, has to be more random)
- Autoplay: If the playlist is empty, the app will continue with related songs
- Session Handling: Client Sessions will be safed in localStorage to restore play(ed)list and actually playing videos
- Light Off: A button to change the background color for a dark ambient
- Donations: With a little donation you can now give a free drink to me
- Title & Meta Tags for SEO
- Searchbox: The submit initiates a google api search and gives up to 10 results to the slider underneath
- Player: The Player plays the selected Video and continues with the playlist ones
- Playlist: If a Search-Result is clicked and there is still a video playing, the next is automatically added to the playlist on the left side of the window
- Playedlist: The Videos already played are stacked to the right side of the window
- Crossfade: Its possible to set a crossfade value so that the audio of 2 videos is slightly crossing at the end
- Logically there are 2 players on top of each other to preload the next video and crossfade them, the z-index switches the currently playing one to the foreground
- Force-Play: To force a playlist or playedlist video to play just click it