RPi config for using rpi as an access point which uses capture portal techniques to give mobiles a web ui to physical computing projects. As setup it does not give internet access
sudo aptitude install iw hostapd dnsmasq python-serial
copy the files from the /file into the same position on the Pi (FIXME)
Use wpa_cli to add the networks you want (use 'save config' to store it)
In /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf set ssid=EduMakeRPi to whatever you want to call your network
Set the SSIDs you would like it to try to connect to first in /etc/rc.local
It will scan for the network names in ssids= () and attach to one those if it can
If not it will setup an Access Point using for the RPi and -150 for the dhcp range
To set up a way physically force own AP (so you can force that behaviour even when at home base):-
Wire GPIO 14 and 15 together
use raspi-config -> Serial to Disable shell and kernel messages on the serial connection.
the code will check if the GPIO 14 and 15 are linked together (with a jumper / wire) and skip the searching if they are
##Techniques based on
https://nims11.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/hostapd-the-linux-way-to-create-virtual-wifi-access-point/ using the dnsmasq version