Welcome to ETHelper - Dataset Generator and Local Tester for the Energy Transition Model (ETM)
ETHelper is a front-end application which streamlines some of the key development processes for using the Energy Transition Model (ETM) (available at https://github.com/quintel). It allows users to create datasets inside etlocal and export migrations directly to etsource for use in the tool. It also automatically sets up a local run of the ETM (etengine + etmodel).
ethelper.py - application codebase.
config - configuration files for application.
icons - contains images used in the application.
output - contains the data.csv that gets generated by the application.
presets - contains .csv files to indicate which keys are relevant for specific database structures, as well as a categories folder with .csv files that specify the typologies of each key.
variables - contains list of keys and translations for each key in .csv format.
To run the program, navigate to the ethelper directory using your CLI and create a python virtual environment with the following command:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment with:
source venv/bin/activate (if on MacOS or Linux)
venv/Scripts/activate (if on Windows)
This will create a venv folder in the repository, with files relating to the python virtual environment to run the application.
Then install the required libraries within the virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If streamlit needs upgrading, run:
pip install streamlit --upgrade
To run the application, use:
streamlit run ethelper.py
The application should run on the following default host and automatically open a tab on your internet browser:
Local URL: http://localhost:8501 Network URL: http://[YOUR_IP_ADDRESS]:8501
Close the application with CNTRL+C from the cmd interface.
NOTE: Docker is required to run this application!
NOTE: When inputting values for each key, do not change the preset group of keys, as this will delete your reset the preset-exclusive inputs!
If you have any issues, reach out to:
Edoardo Santagata
The University of New South Wales (UNSW)