Version: 1.0
- Dashboard Overview:
- View totals for:
- Orders
- Users
- Contact us submissions
- NewsLetter subcribers
- Sent newsletters
- Products, product categories, colors and sizes
- Product Management:
- Add, edit and delete products
- Attach specific sizes to product categories for better customization
- Category and Attribute Management:
- Create and manage product categories
- Add and manage color options
- Add and manage size options, with category specific associations
- User Data Management:
- View registered user details and basic profile information
- Homepage Slideshow Management:
- Create and manage homepage slideshow banners
- Contact Submissions Management:
- View submissions from the "Contact Us" form
- Newsletter System:
- Create, manage and send newsletters using SendGrid integration
- view and manage the list of newsletter subscribers
- Homepage:
- Display featured products, including:
- Slideshow with promotional banners
- Newest products section
- Most popular products section
- Search functionality for finding specific products
- Option for visitors to subscribe to the newsletter
- Products page:
- Displays all products
- Available filter options:
- Availability
- Price slider
- Category
- Gender
- Color
- Size
- Sort by price
- User Profile and Cart:
- Profile page for users to view their basic information
- Shopping cart functionality for managing selected items before checkout
- Next.js
- Better-sqlite3
- SendGrid
- NodeMailer
- Tailwind
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd shopping-website
npm install
There is .env.example file available for reference.
node database/seedData/seedData.js
npm run dev