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Releases: EVEprosper/ProsperBots

Updating to ProsperDatareader v2

03 Dec 00:10
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Updated commands to use ProsperDatareader v2

Changed news feeds from Google->Robinhood

Update slackbot quote behavior

08 Nov 19:34
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Updates slackbot quote behavior. Removes "`" requirement

Fixing build issue with pandas==0.21.0

08 Nov 03:55
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Pandas==0.21.0 causes build/compile issues. Updated requirements to make easier to build

  • Quarantined pandas==0.21.0 to be excluded from valid version targets
  • Removed unused libraries
    • plotnine
    • pandas-datareader <-- prob going to keep that removed with RIP Yahoo
  • Added Restart=always to .service files to avoid discordbot issues with closing unexpectedly
  • Updated .travis.yml to remove "-U"

Adding currency to !coin command -- Discord

03 Nov 15:28
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Updates !coin to accept an optional "currency" argument

No updates to slack bot

Releasing Discord Parity

03 Nov 00:53
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Retires old ProsperBot b/c of Yahoo API death. Long live ProsperBot

  • Adds discord coverage to bot framework
  • Mirrors (most) functionality from prosper_slackbot
  • Adds !version, !price, and !coins commands to discord service
  • Retires old ProsperBot from EVEprosper/ProsperUtilities

Adding news command to slackbot

02 Nov 21:56
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Adds news <ticker> command to slackbot

  • Updating pip requirements
  • BUGFIX: slack_utils.parse_message_metadata() behavior in PM's to fix #1
  • Adds news + "best vader sentiment" lookup from ProsperDatareader
  • Updating tests for new features
  • removing check_coins from connections as unused
  • renaming .service files to include "prosper" and avoid potential namespace collisions