Chain ID: 73e4385a2708e6d7048834fbc1079f2fabb17b3c125b146af438971e90716c4d
Based on tag: v2.0.13
Please join out Jungle testnet Telegram channel
Network Monitor:
! This repo is for manual installation. Please use our auto installer script for auto installation:
To start a Jungle 4 node you need install EOSIO software. You can compile from sources or install from precompiled binaries:
A. Create folder, download sources, compile and install:
mkdir /opt/EOSIO
cd /opt/EOSIO
git clone --recursive
cd eos
git checkout v2.0.13
git submodule update --init --recursive
./scripts/ -P -y
B. Copy binaries to keep old versions and make sym link to latest:
mkdir /opt/bin
mkdir /opt/bin/v2.0.13
cp /opt/EOSIO/eos/build/programs/nodeos/nodeos /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
cp /opt/EOSIO/eos/build/programs/cleos/cleos /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
cp /opt/EOSIO/eos/build/programs/keosd/keosd /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
ln -sf /opt/bin/v2.0.13 /opt/bin/bin
So /opt/bin/bin will point to latest binaries
A. Download the latest version of EOSIO for your OS from:
For example, for ubuntu 18.04 you need to download deb eosio_2.0.13-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb
To install it you can use apt:
apt install ./eosio_2.0.13-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb
It will download all dependencies and install EOSIO to /usr/opt/eosio/v2.0.13
B. Copy binaries to keep old versions and make sym link to latest:
mkdir /opt/bin
mkdir /opt/bin/v2.0.13
cp /usr/opt/eosio/2.1.0/bin/nodeos /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
cp /usr/opt/eosio/2.1.0/bin/cleos /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
cp /usr/opt/eosio/2.1.0/bin/keosd /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
ln -sf /opt/bin/v2.0.13 /opt/bin/bin
So /opt/bin/bin will be point to latest binaries
cd /opt/EOSIO/eos
git checkout -f
git branch -f
git pull
git checkout v2.0.13
git submodule update --init --recursive
./scripts/ -P -y
mkdir /opt/bin/v2.0.13
cp /opt/EOSIO/eos/build/programs/nodeos/nodeos /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
cp /opt/EOSIO/eos/build/programs/cleos/cleos /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
cp /opt/EOSIO/eos/build/programs/keosd/keosd /opt/bin/v2.0.13/
ln -sf /opt/bin/v2.0.13-rc2 /opt/bin/bin
To upgrade precompiled installation pleasse folow the same steps as in 1.2 (Installation from precompiled)
Check our auto installer script:
mkdir /opt/Jungle4Testnet
cd /opt/Jungle4Testnet
git clone ./
In case you use a different data-dir folders -> edit all paths in files,,, config.ini, Wallet/, Wallet/
Choose your producer name (12 symbols length only, a-z 1-5 alowed only) and create own EOS key pair
you can create key pair using cleos command
./ create key
or using Scatter or here. -
If non BP node: use the same config, just comment out rows with producer-name and signature-provider
Edit config.ini:
server address: p2p-server-address = ENRT_YOUR_NODE_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS:9876
if BP: your producer name: producer-name = YOUR_BP_NAME
if BP: add producer keypair for signing blocks (this pub key should be used in regproducer action):
replace p2p-peer-address list with fresh generated on monitor site:
Check chain-state-db-size-mb value in config, it should be not bigger than you have RAM:
chain-state-db-size-mb = 16384
Open TCP Ports (8888, 9876) for inbound traffic on your firewall/router
Start wallet, run
cd /opt/Jungle4Testnet
First run should be with --delete-all-blocks and --genesis-json
./ --delete-all-blocks --genesis-json genesis.json
Check logs stderr.txt if node is running ok.
- Create your wallet file
./ wallet create --file pass.tx
Your password will be in pass.txt it will be used when unlock wallet
- Unlock your wallet
./ wallet unlock
enter the wallet password.
- Import your key
./ wallet import
Enter your private key
Check if you can access you node using link http://you_server:8888/v1/chain/get_info (Example)
If you would like to run a BP node you need register your node at Jungle4.0 Testnet monitor In registartion form - PIN is your password to node information updates
After registration is complete - personal intallation script will be created for you. Skip this step in case of manual installation.
- In registartion form - PIN is your password to node information updates
Download latest block and state archive for your OS from
After downloaded extract their
tar xzvf blocks-latest.tar.gz -C .
tar xzvf state-latest.tar.gz -C .
You got two folders block and state.
Ater that go to NODE folder, and remove files from folder blocks and state
cd /opt/Jungle4Testnet
rm blocks/*
rm state/*
After that go where you extracted archive and move file from folder
mv ~/blocks/* /opt/Jungle4Testnet/blocks/
mv ~/state/* /opt/Jungle4Testnet/state/
After files moved start your NODE
Download latest snapshot from to snapshots folder in your NODE directory
cd /opt/Jungle4Testnet/snapshots/
after it downloaded run
script with option --snapshot
and snapshot file path
cd /opt/Jungle4Testnet
./ --snapshot /opt/Jungle4Testnet/snapshots/latest-snapshot.bin
In scripts folder you can find scripts examples: how to register bp, stake, vote, claimrewards, etc
Vote using monitor (prepare Cleos command or use scatter)
Create account: -
Cleos commands:
Send EOS
./ transfer <your account> <receiver account> "1.0000 EOS" "test memo text"
Get Balance
./ get currency balance eosio.token <account name>
Create account
./ system newaccount --stake-net "10.0000 EOS" --stake-cpu "10.0000 EOS" --buy-ram-bytes 4096 <your accountr> <new account> <pkey1> <pkey2>
List registered producers (-l )
./ get table eosio eosio producers -l 100
List your last action (use -h to get help, do not work now, works with history node only)
./ get actions <account name>
List staked/delegated
./ system listbw <account>
Hyperion History
State History endpoint
Block Explorers
Keybase account: cryptolions