Easy to use OOP implementation of the PHP IMAP extension
Here is a simple example of usage. This will effectively show the newest unread mail complete with markup and embedded images:
//Include mailboxreader class
include 'mailboxreader.class.php';
//Create a new instance of mailboxreader, login to the IMAP/POP3 server
$mailbox = new MailboxReader('{imap.example.com:143/novalidate-cert}INBOX', '[email protected]', 'examplepwd');
//Return a list of UNSEEN message IDs
$newMails = $mailbox->search('UNSEEN');
$unseenCount = count($newMails);
if($unseenCount > 0){
//Fetch mail, second parameter determines if attachments should be downloaded at this point.
$message = $mailbox->fetchMail($newMails[$unseenCount-1], true);
//Echo out the HTML contents of the message.
echo '<h1>'.$message->subject.'</h1>';
echo $message->html;