- Student Name (Roll Number)
- Student Name (Roll Number)
Have you extended your project from any other past porjects? Please mention the title here.
This is a reame template. It is written using markdown syntax. To know more about markdown you can alwats refer to Daring Fireball. You can preview how your mardown looks when rendered here
Students are requested to use this format for the sake of uniformity and convinience. Also we can parse these files and then index them for easy searching.
Remove the items that do no apply to your project and keep the remaining ones.
- Embedded C
- uCos
- Scilab
- Xbee
- Python
- Android
- Kinect
- Specialized Hardware
- Gripper
- Robotic Arm
- OpenCV
If you need any software such as scilab, OpenCV etc. Please provide links to all these software.
Please give references to importance resources.