This is the code for the paper "Transport and Integrability Breaking in Non-Hermitian Quantum Systems".
If you're reading this right now, it means that we have made the paper public but that I haven't yet made the code base pretty and nicely commented. Sorry! I'll try to get to that soon.
The code used to plot Figure 9 is isn't in this repository, but the bottom half of the image "Figures/EDvsTypicality/typicality_vs_ED.png" shows the exact same data as Figure 9, just with uglier graphic design choices.
If you check back on March 8 2024 and this message is still here, feel free to send me an angry email at dylan24 at reminding me to make my code readable to people other than me.
Here's an overview of the repository: TODO: Write this
TODO: In this file I should specify which versions I'm using of all of the packages I've installed.
TODO: add a bunch of comments to code
TODO: make sure that all links are to stable sources
TODO: Note that there's two different notions of projector in this code: one goes from a vector space of a larger dimension to one of a smaller dimension, while one goes from a vector space to itself while its image lies in a subspace of the whole vector space
TODO: Note that RawData also includes data created during testing that isn't used in the actual plots, as well as all of the plotted data. Provide pointer to the data ctually used in plotting.
TODO: Note that some large pickle files from the diagonalization of the current operator may not be synced to GitHub
TODO: Specify which plotting scripts each figure was made by, and which data generation scripts each plotting script relies on