A Forge/Fabric mod aimed at adding fake players to the game.
These mobs look exactly like regular players.
- Wander around
- Attack when hurt
- Change username from name tag
- Change skin from name tag
- Wear armour
- Hold items
- Has inventory
- Toggleable AI (Shift right click)
And much more!
You need to craft a Robot Shell
and a Robot AI
and combine them in a crafting table
Recipes are on the gallery
Place the spawn egg in the crafting recipe to switch its skin type.
This mod is able to get the skin of a player. This means that the fake player will always have the correct and matching skin to its given username.
To do this you name the fake player with the username of the player.
Image of this in gallery!
This mod is also able to get skins from a link
To do this, shift right click the fake player and paste the url into the box
Watch this video if you need an example
This mod supports both slim skins and regular skins.