A Minecraft modding library made for DumbCode mods. It builds off of the library: LLibrary (See Below), and includes animation among other useful tools.
Entity Component System
Animation System
First, make a fork of this repository. When you've done that, you can clone that repository. Depending on your installation settings, you either have to run the command in the git Bash, or the CMD/Terminal.
Say what the step will be
git clone https://github.com/<Your Username>/DumbLibrary.git
When that's done, go into the newly created directory DumbLibrary
and run in the console if you're on Windows:
gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace
Or this when you're on any other operating system (Like Mac OS X and Ubuntu):
./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
Then for Eclipse:
gradlew.bat eclipse
or for IntelliJ IDEA:
gradlew.bat idea
- Gradle - Dependency Management
- Travis-CI - Continuous Integration
- SonarCloud - Continous Inspection
This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- LLibrary - Library