Project Title: Module 4 Pandas Challenge
Project Description: This is the assignment submission for challenge #4- Pandas. The solution was completed in Jupyter Notebook under PyCitySchools/PyCitySchools_starter.ipynb.
Getting Started and Installation: This project is written using Python in Jupyter Notebook, which you must install and use to run this script with.
Download the repository. You can place the repository anywhere you want in the drive, however keep the file structure the same as the script relies on the resources folder being available in a certain spot to reference.
Open the file in Jupyter Notebook. You can either run the code as-is or read the outputs of each cell. The summary and writeup/report for the assignment is included in the top level Markdown in the file
The following are uploaded to Github: All original folders including resources Modified "PyCitySchools_starter.ipynb" with challenge solutions. README file (this!)
Contributors: Christopher Yang
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank the University of Toronto for putting together a robust program for Data Analytics, my fellow classmates as well as the wonderful Instructors and LAs at the University of Toronto for their support.
License: This is licensed under the MIT licensing scheme. Please see separate License File for information.