A starter theme for Duck Diver Marketing, based on _strap (based on _s) theme for WordPress.
Utilizing Bootstrap 4 with an array of shortcodes for simple integration.
- 'dd_before_header' - Before the masthead
- 'dd_after_header' - After the navbar and
- 'dd_before_slider' - If slider is active.
- 'dd_after_slider'
- 'dd_before_main_content' - After Slider before Main Content Container
- 'dd_before_footer' - After Main Content - Before the Footer
- 'dd_after_footer' - After the Footer before the wp_footer is called.
- 'dd_homepage_scripts' - Additional Scripts for the Homepage footer.
- By default, the ('dd_homepage_scripts', 'add_slider_to_homepage', 5); is called to include the slider script.
- 'dd_main_width' - Defaults to col-md-9 - in use in the sidebar position function.
- 'dd_sidebar_width' - Defaults to col-md-3 - in use in the sidebar position function.
- 'dd_slider_image_size' - defaults to 'slider-post-thumbnail' which is 2000 x 600
== 1.2.22 ==
- Make functions-strap.php pluggable
- Make for PHP 7.4
- Added dd_slider_image_size filter.
- Added WC parent theme WC support on plugin activation. Included basic WC functions in pluggable functions for child theme.
- Added WC Sidebar options to customizer.
- Added extra mt-6 class - 4rem;
Remove Comment form from Page templates, add slider options to crossfade or slide.
Fix for Slider Width
Added abilityto remove wpautoP
Minor stylesheet revisions. Added CF7 Functions.
Update to Bootstrap 4.3.1, Include FB PAGE ID to open social widget links in Facebook App on IOS or Android. Include class Mobile_Detect
Minor tweaks to TinyMCE Plugin to remove old shortcodes from Menu. Added code for WC Cart.
Added to customer in theme options "Sidebar Position" - left, right, none
Added action hooks and ability to turn off slider and remove CPT from admin.
Version 1.1 updates framework to be more framework like, and implements bootstrap 4.1. The inclusion of bootstrap 4 is more solidified with this version, and there's better layout. Resolved the issue with container not being full width because of improper div nesting.
Initial build as framework. Uses bootstrap 4.0.0. Basically a conversion of the _strap theme to Duck Diver theme.