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Deep and conventional community detection related papers, implementations, datasets, and tools.


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Awesome Deep Community Detection

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A collection of papers, implementations, datasets, and tools for deep and non-deep community detection.

Traditional Methods VS. Deep Learninig-based Methods


A Timeline of Community Detection Development



Paper Title Venue Year Materials
A comprehensive survey on community detection with deep learning IEEE TNNLS 2022 [Paper]
A survey of community detection approaches: From statistical modeling to deep learning IEEE TKDE 2021 [Paper]
Deep learning for community detection: Progress, challenges and opportunities IJCAI 2020 [Paper]
A survey of community detection methods in multilayer networks Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 2020 [Paper]
Community detection in node-attributed social networks: A survey Comput. Sci. Rev. 2020 [Paper]
Community detection in networks: A multidisciplinary review J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 2018 [Paper]
Community discovery in dynamic networks: A survey ACM Comput. Surv. 2018 [Paper]
Evolutionary computation for community detection in networks: A review IEEE TEVC 2018 [Paper]
Metrics for community analysis: A survey ACM Comput. Surv. 2017 [Paper]
Network community detection: A review and visual survey Preprint 2017 [Paper]
Community detection in networks: A user guide Phys. Rep. 2016 [Paper]
Community detection in social networks WIREs Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 2016 [Paper]
Overlapping community detection in networks: The state-of-the-art and comparative study ACM Comput. Surv. 2013 [Paper]
Clustering and community detection in directed networks: A survey Phys. Rep. 2013 [Paper]
Community detection in graphs Phys. Rep. 2010 [Paper]

Convolutional Networks-based Community Detection

CNN-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Method Materials
Inductive representation learning via CNN for partially-unseen attributed networks IEEE TNSE 2021 IEPAN [Paper]
A deep learning approach for semi-supervised community detection in online social networks Knowl.-Based Syst. 2021 SparseConv2D [Paper]
Edge classification based on convolutional neural networks for community detection in complex network Physica A 2020 ComNet-R [Paper]
A deep learning based community detection approach SAC 2019 SparseConv [Paper]
Deep community detection in topologically incomplete networks Physica A 2017 Xin et al. [Paper]

GCN-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Method Materials
Complex exponential graph convolutional networks Inf. Sci. 2023 CEGCN [Paper] [Code]
Community detection based on community perspective and graph convolutional network Expert Syst. Appl. 2023 CPGC [Paper]
Heterogeneous question answering community detection based on graph neural network Inf. Sci. 2023 HCDBG [Paper]
Overlapping community detection on complex networks with graph convolutional networks Comput. Commun. 2023 CDMG [Paper]
Deep MinCut: Learning node embeddings from detecting communities Pattern Recognit. 2022 DMC [Paper]
End-to-end modularity-based community co-partition in bipartite networks CIKM 2022 BiCoN+GCN [Paper]
CLARE: A semi-supervised community detection algorithm KDD 2022 CLARE [Paper] [Code]
Efficient graph convolution for joint node representation learning and clustering WSDM 2022 GCC [Paper] [Code]
Geometric graph representation learning via maximizing rate reduction WWW 2022 $G^2R$ [Paper] [Code]
RepBin: Constraint-based graph representation learning for metagenomic binning AAAI 2022 RepBin [Paper] [Code]
SSSNET: Semi-supervised signed network clustering SDM 2022 SSSNET [Paper] [Code]
Learning Guarantees for Graph Convolutional Networks on The Stochastic Block Model ICLR 2022 GCN-SBM [Paper]
When convolutional network meets temporal heterogeneous graphs: An effective community detection method IEEE TKDE 2021 THGCN [Paper]
Multi-view contrastive graph clustering NIPS 2021 MCGC [paper] [Code]
Graph debiased contrastive learning with joint representation clustering IJCAI 2021 Zhao et al. [Paper]
Spectral embedding network for attributed graph clustering Neural Netw. 2021 SENet [Paper]
Unsupervised learning for community detection in attributed networks based on graph convolutional network Neurocomputing 2021 SGCN [Paper]
Adaptive graph encoder for attributed graph embedding KDD 2020 AGE [Paper][Code]
CommDGI: Community detection oriented deep graph infomax CIKM 2020 CommDGI [Paper]
Going deep: Graph convolutional ladder-shape networks AAAI 2020 GCLN [Paper]
Independence promoted graph disentangled networks AAAI 2020 IPGDN [Paper]
Supervised community detection with line graph neural networks ICLR 2019 LGNN [Paper][Code]
Graph convolutional networks meet Markov random fields: Semi-supervised community detection in attribute networks AAAI 2019 MRFasGCN [Paper]
Overlapping community detection with graph neural networks DLG Workshop, KDD 2019 NOCD [Paper][Code]
Attributed graph clustering via adaptive graph convolution IJCAI 2019 AGC [Paper][Code]
CayleyNets: Graph convolutional neural networks with complex rational spectral filters IEEE TSP 2019 CayleyNets [Paper][Code]

Graph Attention Network-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Method Materials
CSAT: Contrastive sampling-aggregating transformer for community detection in attribute-missing networks IEEE TCSS 2023 CSAT [Paper]
A graph-enhanced attention model for community detection in multiplex networks Expert Syst. Appl. 2023 GEAM [Paper][Code]
Hierarchical attention network for attributed community detection of joint representation Neural Comput. Appl. 2022 HiAN [Paper]
Detecting communities from heterogeneous graphs: A context path-based graph neural network model CIKM 2021 CP-GNN [Paper][Code]
HDMI: High-order deep multiplex infomax WWW 2021 HDMI [Paper][Code]
Self-supervised heterogeneous graph neural network with co-contrastive learning KDD 2021 HeCo [Paper][Code]
Unsupervised attributed multiplex network embedding AAAI 2020 DMGI [Paper][Code]
MAGNN: Metapath aggregated graph neural network for heterogeneous graph embedding WWW 2020 MAGNN [Paper] [Code]

Graph Adversarial Network-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Method Materials
CANE: Community-aware network embedding via adversarial training Knowl. Inf. Syst. 2021 CANE [Paper]
Self-training enhanced: Network embedding and overlapping community detection with adversarial learning IEEE TNNLS 2021 ACNE
Adversarial Learning of Balanced Triangles for Accurate Community Detection on Signed Networks ICDM 2021 ABC [Paper]
SEAL: Learning heuristics for community detection with generative adversarial networks KDD 2020 SEAL [Paper][Code]
Multi-class imbalanced graph convolutional network learning IJCAI 2020 DR-GCN [Paper]
JANE: Jointly adversarial network embedding IJCAI 2020 JANE [Paper]
ProGAN: Network embedding via proximity generative adversarial network KDD 2019 ProGAN [Paper]
CommunityGAN: Community detection with generative adversarial nets WWW 2019 CommunityGAN [Paper][Code]

Autoencoder-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Method Materials
A graph convolutional fusion model for community detection in multiplex networks Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 2023 GCFM [Paper]
A novel network core structure extraction algorithm utilized variational autoencoder for community detection Expert Syst. Appl. 2023 CSEA [Paper][Code]
Community detection based on unsupervised attributed network embedding Expert Syst. Appl. 2023 CDBNE [Paper][Code]
Exploring temporal community structure via network embedding IEEE TCYB 2022 VGRGMM [Paper]
Graph community infomax ACM TKDD 2022 GCI [Paper]
Multi-modal non-Euclidean brain network analysis with community detection and convolutional autoencoder IEEE TETCI 2022 M2CDCA [Paper]
Deep neighbor-aware embedding for node clustering in attributed graphs Pattern Recognit. 2022 DNENC [Paper]
Semi-supervised overlapping community detection in attributed graph with graph convolutional autoencoder Inf. Sci. 2022 SSGCAE [Paper]
A weighted network community detection algorithm based on deep learning Appl. Math. Comput. 2021 WCD [Paper]
DNC: A deep neural network-based clustering-oriented network embedding algorithm J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 2021 DNC [Paper]
Boosting nonnegative matrix factorization based community detection with graph attention auto-encoder IEEE TBD 2021 NMFGAAE [Paper]
Self-supervised graph convolutional network for multi-view clustering IEEE TMM 2021 SGCMC [Paper]
Graph embedding clustering: Graph attention auto-encoder with cluster-specificity distribution Neural Netw. 2021 GEC-CSD [Paper][Code]
An evolutionary autoencoder for dynamic community detection Sci. China Inf. Sci. 2020 sE-Autoencoder [Paper]
Stacked autoencoder-based community detection method via an ensemble clustering framework Inf. Sci. 2020 CDMEC [Paper]
Community-centric graph convolutional network for unsupervised community detection IJCAI 2020 GUCD [Paper]
Structural deep clustering network WWW 2020 SDCN [Paper][Code]
One2Multi graph autoencoder for multi-view graph clustering WWW 2020 One2Multi [Paper][Code]
Multi-view attribute graph convolution networks for clustering IJCAI 2020 MAGCN [Paper]
Deep multi-graph clustering via attentive cross-graph association WSDM 2020 DMGC [Paper][Code]
Effective decoding in graph auto-encoder using triadic closure AAAI 2020 TGA
Graph representation learning via ladder gamma variational autoencoders AAAI 2020 LGVG [Paper]
High-performance community detection in social networks using a deep transitive autoencoder Inf. Sci. 2019 Transfer-CDDTA [Paper]
Attributed graph clustering: A deep attentional embedding approach IJCAI 2019 DAEGC [Paper]
Stochastic blockmodels meet graph neural networks ICML 2019 DGLFRM [Paper][Code]
Variational graph embedding and clustering with laplacian eigenmaps IJCAI 2019 VGECLE [Paper]
Optimizing variational graph autoencoder for community detection BigData 2019 VGAECD-OPT [Paper]
Integrative network embedding via deep joint reconstruction IJCAI 2018 UWMNE [Paper]
Deep attributed network embedding IJCAI 2018 DANE [Paper][Code]
Deep network embedding for graph representation learning in signed networks IEEE TCYB 2018 DNE-SBP [Paper][Code]
DFuzzy: A deep learning-based fuzzy clustering model for large graphs Knowl. Inf. Syst. 2018 DFuzzy [Paper]
Learning community structure with variational autoencoder ICDM 2018 VGAECD [Paper]
Adversarially regularized graph autoencoder for graph embedding IJCAI 2018 ARGA
BL-MNE: Emerging heterogeneous social network embedding through broad learning with aligned autoencoder ICDM 2017 DIME [Paper][Code]
MGAE: Marginalized graph autoencoder for graph clustering CIKM 2017 MGAE [Paper][Code]
Graph clustering with dynamic embedding Preprint 2017 GRACE [Paper]
Modularity based community detection with deep learning IJCAI 2016 semi-DRN [Paper][Code]
Deep neural networks for learning graph representations AAAI 2016 DNGR [Paper]
Learning deep representations for graph clustering AAAI 2014 GraphEncoder [Paper][Code]

Other Deep Learning-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Method Materials
Contrastive deep nonnegative matrix factorization for community detection ICASSP 2024 CDNMF [Paper][Code]
A hyperbolic approach for learning communities on graphs Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 2023 RComE [Paper][Code]
Deep alternating non-negative matrix factorisation Knowl.-Based Syst. 2022 DA-NMF [Paper]
CGC: Contrastive Graph Clustering for Community Detection and Tracking WWW 2022 CGC [Paper]
Deep graph clustering via dual correlation reduction AAAI 2022 DCRN [Paper] [Code]
Cluster-aware heterogeneous information network embedding WSDM 2022 VaCA-HINE [Paper]
Graph filter-based multi-view attributed graph clustering IJCAI 2021 MvAGC [Paper] [Code]
A deep learning framework for self-evolving hierarchical community detection CIKM 2021 ReinCom [Paper]
Unsupervised learning of joint embeddings for node representation and community detection ECML-PKDD 2021 J-ENC [Paper]
Community detection based on modularized deep nonnegative matrix factorization Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell. 2020 MDNMF [Paper]
Deep autoencoder-like nonnegative matrix factorization for community detection CIKM 2018 DANMF [Paper][Code]
Community discovery in networks with deep sparse filtering Pattern Recognit. 2018 DSFCD [Paper]
A non-negative symmetric encoder-decoder approach for community detection CIKM 2017 Sun et al. [Paper]

Non-Deep Learning-based Communtiy Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Method Materials
CataBEEM: Integrating latent interaction categories in node-wise community detection models for network data ICML 2023 CataBEEM [Paper][Code]
Nonnegative matrix factorization based on node centrality for community detection ACM TKDD 2023 NCNMF [Paper][Code]
Dual structural consistency preserving community detection on social networks IEEE TKDE 2023 DSCPCD [Paper][Code]
Symmetry and graph bi-regularized non-negative matrix factorization for precise community detection IEEE TASAE 2023 B-NMF [Paper]
Multi-view metro station clustering based on passenger flows: A functional data-edged network community detection approach Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 2023 F2MVNCD [Paper]
Multiplex network community detection algorithm based on motif awareness Knowl.-Based Syst. 2023 CDMA [Paper]
Community detection via autoencoder-like nonnegative tensor decomposition IEEE TNNLS 2022 ANTD [Paper]
Graph regularized nonnegative matrix factorization for community detection in attributed networks IEEE TNSE 2022 AGNMF-AN [Paper]
Modeling and detecting communities in node attributed networks IEEE TKDE 2022 CRSBM [Paper]
The trade-off between topology and content in community detection: An adaptive encoder-decoder-based NMF approach Expert Syst. Appl. 2022 ANMF [Paper]
Community detection in subspace of attribute Inf. Sci. 2022 SOA [Paper]
Explainability in graph data science: Interpretability, replicability, and reproducibility of community detection IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 2022 -- [Paper]
Differentially private community detection for stochastic block models ICML 2022 Seif et al. [Paper]
Community detection in multiplex networks based on evolutionary multi-task optimization and evolutionary clustering ensemble IEEE TEVC 2022 BSMCD [Paper]
Fine-grained attributed graph clustering SDM 2022 FGC [Paper] [Code]
HB-DSBM: Modeling the dynamic complex networks from community level to node level IEEE TNNLS 2022 HB-DSBM [Paper]
PMCDM: Privacy-preserving multiresolution community detection in multiplex networks Knowl.-Based Syst. 2022 PMCDM [Paper]
Rearranging 'indivisible' blocks for community detection IEEE TKDE 2022 RaidB [Paper]
Information diffusion-aware likelihood maximization optimization for community detection Inf. Sci. 2022 EM-CD
Community detection in partially observable social networks ACM TKDD 2022 KroMFac [Paper]
Diverse and experienced group discovery via hypergraph clustering SDM 2022 Amburg et al. [Paper] [Code]
Community detection in graph: An embedding method IEEE TNSE 2022 SENMF [Paper]
Community detection using local group assimilation Expert Syst. Appl. 2022 LGA [Paper]
Identifying Early Warning Signals from News Using Network Community Detection AAAI 2022 Le Vine et al. [Paper]
Residual2Vec: Debiasing graph embedding with random graphs NIPS 2021 residual2vec [Paper] [Code]
Streaming belief propagation for community detection NIPS 2021 StSBM [Paper]
Triangle-aware spectral sparsifiers and community detection KDD 2021 Sotiropoulos et al. [Paper] [Code]
Self-guided community detection on networks with missing edges IJCAI 2021 SGCD [Paper]
Effective and scalable clustering on massive attributed graphs WWW 2021 ACMin [Paper] [Code]
Scalable Community Detection via Parallel Correlation Clustering VLDB 2021 Shi et al. [Paper] [Code]
Proximity-based group formation game model for community detection in social network Knowl.-Based Syst. 2021 PBCD [Paper]
When random initializations help: A study of variational inference for community detection J. Mach. Learn. Res. 2021 BCAVI [Paper]
Compactness preserving community computation via a network generative process IEEE TETCI 2021 FCOCD [Paper]
Identification of communities with multi-semantics via bayesian generative model IEEE TBD 2021 ICMS [Paper]
A network embedding-enhanced Bayesian model for generalized community detection in complex networks Inf. Sci. 2021 NEGCD [Paper]
Multi-objective evolutionary clustering for large-scale dynamic community detection Inf. Sci. 2021 DYN-MODPSO [Paper]
A joint community detection model: Integrating directed and undirected probabilistic graphical models via factor graph with attention mechanism IEEE TBD 2021 AdaMRF [Paper]
SimClusters: Community-based representations for heterogeneous recommendations at Twitter KDD 2020 SimClusters [Paper] [Code]
Evolutionary markov dynamics for network community detection IEEE TKDE 2020 ePMCL [Paper]
A network reduction-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for community detection in large-scale complex networks IEEE TCYB 2020 RMOEA [Paper]
Integrating group homophily and individual personality of topics can better model network communities ICDM 2020 GHIPT [Paper]
Community preserving network embedding based on memetic algorithm IEEE TETCI 2020 MemeRep [Paper]
Detecting the evolving community structure in dynamic social networks World Wide Web J. 2020 DECS [Paper] [Code]
EdMot: An edge enhancement approach for motif-aware community detection KDD 2019 EdMot [Paper]
LPANNI: Overlapping community detection using label propagation in large-scale complex networks IEEE TKDE 2019 LPANNI [Paper]
Detecting prosumer-community groups in smart grids from the multiagent perspective IEEE TSMC 2019 PVMAS [Paper]
Local community mining on distributed and dynamic networks from a multiagent perspective IEEE TCYB 2016 AOCCM [Paper]
General optimization technique for high-quality community detection in complex networks Phys. Rev. E 2014 Combo [Paper]
Spectral methods for community detection and graph partitioning Phys. Rev. E 2013 -- [Paper]
Stochastic blockmodels and community structure in networks Phys. Rev. E 2011 DCSBM [Paper]


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Deep and conventional community detection related papers, implementations, datasets, and tools.







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