A helper for dispatching MockWebServer responses. It allows to easily mock responses with data
stored in YAML files in resources/fixtures/
- YAML used to store responses for more readability (compared to bare MockWebServer)
- Android compatible (unlike MockWebServer+)
- Concise dispatching logic implementation
Code with MockWebServer path dispatcher:
fun pathCondition() {
val dispatcher = FixtureDispatcher()
// match all URLs with path starting with /prefix/ e.g. http://example.test/prefix/
val factory = PathQueryConditionFactory("/prefix/")
// match all URLs with path ending with "suffix" and return response from fixtures/body_path.yaml
dispatcher.putResponse(factory.withPathSuffix("suffix"), "body_path")
dispatcher.putResponse(factory.withPathSuffix("another_suffix"), "json_object")
Example YAML file at resources/fixtures/json_object.yaml
statusCode : 200
- 'Content-Type: application/json'
body: >
"test": null
Instead of defining body in yaml directly you can specify relative path to file with body:
statusCode : 404
- 'Content-Type: text/plain'
- "Vary: Accept-Encoding"
body: body.txt
You can force the request to fail by setting connectionFailure
to true
statusCode : 200
connectionFailure: true
Alternatively, you can specify not getting a response by simulating a timeout with timeoutFailure
to true
statusCode : 200
timeoutFailure: true
Code without MockWebServer path dispatcher:
fun bareMockWebServer() {
val dispatcher = object : Dispatcher() {
override fun dispatch(request: RecordedRequest): MockResponse {
val path = request.requestUrl.encodedPath()
if (path == "/prefix/suffix") {
return MockResponse()
.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.addHeader("Vary", "Accept-Encoding")
} else if (path == "/prefix/another_suffix") {
return MockResponse()
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.setBody("{\n \"test\": null\n}")
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected request: $request")
See more examples at FunctionalTest.kt
- when you want conditional fixture response mapping and enqueuing:
fun factory() {
val dispatcher = FixtureDispatcher()
val factory = PathQueryConditionFactory("/prefix/")
// bar will be served for first matching requests
dispatcher.enqueue(factory.withPathSuffix("suffix"), "bar")
// bar will be served for second matching requests
dispatcher.enqueue(factory.withPathSuffix("suffix"), "baz")
// foo will be served by default (if there is nothing enqueued) for subsequent matching requests
dispatcher.putResponse(factory.withPathSuffix("suffix"), "foo")
// qux will be served by default when there are no matching requests
- when you want to use common URL path prefix multiple times:
fun factory() {
val dispatcher = FixtureDispatcher()
val factory = PathQueryConditionFactory("/prefix/")
dispatcher.putResponse(factory.withPathSuffix("suffix"), "queryless_response")
// match all URLs with path ending with "suffix" and have "param" with any value as query parameter e.g. http://example.test/prefix/user/suffix?param
dispatcher.putResponse(factory.withPathSuffixAndQueryParameter("suffix", "param"), "response_with_query_parameter")
// match all URLs with path ending with "suffix" and have "param" with "value" as query parameter e.g. http://example.test/prefix/user/suffix?param=value
dispatcher.putResponse(factory.withPathSuffixAndQueryParameter("suffix", "param", "value"), "response_with_query_parameter_and_value")
// match all URLs with path ending with "suffix" and have multiple parameter name/value pairs e.g.http://example.test/prefix/user/suffix?param=value¶m2=value2
factory.withPathSuffixAndQueryParameters("suffix", mapOf("param" to "value", "param2" to "value2")),
- when you want to match by path and optional query parameter:
fun pathQueryCondition() {
val dispatcher = FixtureDispatcher()
dispatcher.putResponse(PathQueryCondition("/prefix/suffix", "param", "value"), "response_with_query_parameter_and_value")
Also supports a map of multiple query parameters:
fun pathQueryConditions() {
val dispatcher = FixtureDispatcher()
dispatcher.putResponse(PathQueryCondition("/prefix/suffix", mapOf("param" to "value", "param2" to "value2")), "response_with_query_parameters_and_values")
- when you want to match by some part of URL other than path or single query
fun httpUrlCondition() {
val dispatcher = FixtureDispatcher()
val condition = object : HttpUrlCondition() {
override fun isUrlMatching(url: HttpUrl) = url.encodedUsername() == "foo"
override fun compareTo(other: Condition) = 0
dispatcher.putResponse(condition , "response_for_foo")
- when you want to match by non-URL parts of the request e.g. headers:
fun condition() {
val condition = object : Condition {
override fun isRequestMatching(request: RecordedRequest)= request.getHeader("Content-Type") == "application/json"
override fun compareTo(other: Condition) = 0
dispatcher.putResponse(condition , "json_response")
For unit tests:
testImplementation 'pl.droidsonroids.testing:mockwebserver-path-dispatcher:1.1.7'
or for Android instrumentation tests:
androidTestImplementation 'pl.droidsonroids.testing:mockwebserver-path-dispatcher:1.1.7'
Library uses the MIT License. See LICENSE file.