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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Device/Software specific
Device/Software specific
Issues that only happen on some devices or with some specific hardware/software
Good first issue
Good first issue
Good for newcomers
Ignore Release
Ignore Release
Ignore for Release
Look & Feel
Look & Feel
The look and feel of the application
Only relevant to a very small amount of people
Status: Done
Status: Done
This has been compleated.
Status: Duplicate
Status: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
Status: Help wanted
Status: Help wanted
Extra attention is needed
Status: Invalid
Status: Invalid
This doesn't seem right
Status: Not Planned
Status: Not Planned
Not to be planned any time soon.
Status: Send Pull Request
Status: Send Pull Request
Request the OP to send a pull request
Status: Stale
Status: Stale
Not been active for some time.
Status: Todo
Status: Todo
Things we need to do.
Status: Waiting For a Response
Status: Waiting For a Response
If the author does not respond, the issue will be closed. Otherwise, the label will be removed.
Status: Wont Fix
Status: Wont Fix
This will not be worked on
Status: Work In Progress
Status: Work In Progress
This is currently being worked on
Type: Breaking Change
Type: Breaking Change
Change that will break the app.
Type: Bug Report
Type: Bug Report
Something isn't working
Type: Crash Report
Type: Crash Report
Report any crashes you have had.
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
New feature or request
Type: Language Support
Type: Language Support
Extra Language Support
Type: Question
Type: Question
Further information is requested
Type: Release
Type: Release
Ready for Release
Type: Removed
Type: Removed
This has been removed.
Type: Security
Type: Security
Security issue has been found.
Type: Summary
Type: Summary
Release Summary