This is an Android project. You, as a mobile developer, can use this library to show a material about screen in your apps. It was build to make your life easier when introducing you to your users, and also, to create a about screen pattern for material android apps. It's really simple and dynamic, check it out.
Note: If you're missing some feature please let me know. Or even better, create a pull request. Also, I'm needing someone to translate the strings.xml to other languages than English.
<img src="images/screenshots/custom.png" height='auto' width='280'/>
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Step #2. Add the dependency (See latest release).
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jrvansuita:MaterialAbout:+'
Create a AboutView instance with AboutBuilder.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View view = AboutBuilder.with(this)
.setName("Your Full Name")
.setSubTitle("Mobile Developer")
.setBrief("I'm warmed of mobile technologies. Ideas maker, curious and nature lover.")
addContentView(view, layoutParams);
The library has a lot more customization and features than is able to show here. Please Check the sample app and feel to help with a pull request. You can take a look at the sample app located on this project.